
the trail of a family becoming


早前Michael Bird 提到一個新的釋經系列,這天終於有多一點資料

The New Covenant Commentary Series (NCCS) is designed for ministers and students who require a commentary that interacts with the text and context of each New Testament book and pays specific attention to the impact of the text upon the faith and praxis of contemporary faith communities.

系列編輯除了Michael Bird自己之外,還有寫《新約聖經背景註釋》的Craig Keener。特別值得一提的是,這是真正可以說是集合全球不同宗派、不同國籍新約學者的一個系列。尤其是喜見新加坡的陳錦發(馬可福音)和韓國的趙英謨(使徒行傳)也榜上有名。


補充:趙英謨正是早前我提過寫Spirit and Kingdom in the Writings of Luke and Paul 的Youngmo Cho。【littleho那邊有書評


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