
the trail of a family becoming

以中東文化重看耶穌 (4)


Bailey, Kenneth E.
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels


Part 1: The Birth of Jesus
4. Herod’s Atrocities, Simeon and Anna: Matthew 2:13-18; Luke 2:22-36

Bailey首先仔細重繪希律(ie. 大希律)的族裔(阿拉伯)、宗教(猶太)、文化(希臘)和政治(羅馬)背景,並他聰明卻又殘酷的性格。從這幅圖畫,Bailey將問題轉到馬太何以在眾多的史料中,選擇記載屠殺嬰孩的事件?當然,一般(亦相當合理)的想法是作為新的出埃及記錄,馬太有意將耶穌和摩西作一個平衡對照。但可能更重要的,是讀者需要透過經文,認定對人真實而又邪惡的一面:神竟然甘願藉道成肉身,脆弱地暴露在人的面前。這樣的了解,能堅定讀者在絕境中對神的信靠。用Bailey的說法:

At the beginning of the Gospel and at its conclusion, Matthew presents pictures of the depth of evil that Jesus came to redeem. This story heightens the reader’s awareness of the willingness on the part of God to expose himself to the total vulnerability which is at the heart of the incarnation. If the Gospel can flourish in a world that produces the slaughter of the innocents and the cross, the Gospel can flourish anywhere.





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