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HOWTO make your PC more secure

HOWTO make your PC more secure, by Bruce Schneier

Bruce Schneier recently published a list of security recommendations for individuals who want to make their PCs safer:

General: Turn off the computer when you’re not using it, especially if you have an “always on” Internet connection.

Laptop security: Keep your laptop with you at all times when not at home; treat it as you would a wallet or purse. Regularly purge unneeded data files from your laptop. The same goes for PDAs. People tend to store more personal data–including passwords and PINs–on PDAs than they do on laptops.

Backups: Back up regularly. Back up to disk, tape or CD-ROM. There’s a lot you can’t defend against; a recent backup will at least let you recover from an attack. Store at least one set of backups off-site (a safe-deposit box is a good place) and at least one set on-site. Remember to destroy old backups. The best way to destroy CD-Rs is to microwave them on high for five seconds. You can also break them in half or run them through better shredders.

Operating systems: If possible, don’t use Microsoft Windows. Buy a Macintosh or use Linux. If you must use Windows, set up Automatic Update so that you automatically receive security patches. And delete the files “” and “cmd.exe.”

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Filed by edmund at 12.34 pm under Tech |

One Comment

  1. edmund

    The recent hack on our fellowship website probed me to investigate just how secure an everyday home pc really is.

    If you can, try to follow what this article recommends.

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