
the trail of a family becoming

Drops like stars

Rob Bell’s Drops like stars, Toronto

September 16, Queen Elizabeth Theatre

Tickets, anyone?


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Petition on Victim’s Rights

Please read the sharing below from a Christian brother of mine, and visit the provided website ( to review the facts and make the appropriate action.

Justice is something that we as Christian should neither overlook nor neglect. Our faith does not concern only things that are spiritual; it must be solidly planted in the world we live in.

…perhaps you may have already heard about the incidence of a supermarket owner in Chinatown (ª÷¤û«°¶W¥«ªF¥D³¯©ô) who was prosecuted with serious crimes like kidnapping, forcible confinement, possession of weapon, etc just becasue who tried to catch a thief and tied him up in order to hand him over to the police. Last Friday, a group called Victim’s Rights Action Committee (VRAC) launched an online petition with a view to urging the Federal government to review the existing Criminal Code and the Crown prosecution to drop the charges against the owner.

I am personally very sympathetic towards the owner and totally agree that he should not be charged with the offences which carry serious punishment. It is totally absurd and sends very bad signal to other shoplifters that they are being “protected”. The consequence of which is catastrophical to the shop owners in Chinatown who have to struggle for the living. I have signed the petition.

While charges have been laid, it is still possible that they can be stayed or withdrawn which is totally within the jurisdiction of the Crwon prosecutor. So the more signatures that VRAC can gather online, the better chance that the charges may be dropped as political pressure has been asserted…

Here is the website of VRAC : where you can find the facts of the story and some video clippings of the incidence.















The Lost World of Genesis One

In light of some recent events, I would like to recommend John H. Walton’s The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate to all of you. Here is the blurb:

In this astute mix of cultural critique and biblical studies, John H. Walton presents and defends twenty propositions supporting a literary and theological understanding of Genesis 1 within the context of the ancient Near Eastern world and unpacks its implications for our modern scientific understanding of origins.

Ideal for students, professors, pastors and lay readers with an interest in the intelligent design controversy and creation-evolution debates, Walton’s thoughtful analysis unpacks seldom appreciated aspects of the biblical text and sets Bible-believing scientists free to investigate the question of origins.

And here are the propositions as layout in the table of content:

Proposition 1: Genesis One Is Ancient Cosmology
Proposition 2: Ancient Cosmology Is Function Oriented
Proposition 3: “Create” (Hebrew bara’) Concerns Functions
Proposition 4: The Beginning State in Genesis One is Non-Functional
Proposition 5: Days One Through Three in Genesis 1 Establish Functions
Proposition 6: Days Four Through Six in Genesis 1 Install Functionaries
Proposition 7: Divine Rest Is In a Temple
Proposition 8: The Cosmos Is a Temple
Proposition 9: The Seven Days of Genesis 1 Relate to the Cosmic Temple Inauguration
Proposition 10: The Seven Days of Genesis 1 Do Not Concern Material Origins
Proposition 11: “Functional Cosmic Temple” Offers Face-Value Exegesis
Proposition 12: Other Theories of Genesis 1 Either Go Too Far or Not Far Enough
Proposition 13: The Difference Between Origin Accounts in Science and Scripture is Metaphysical in Nature
Proposition 14: God’s Roles as Creator and Sustainer are Less Different Than We Have Thought
Proposition 15: Current Debate About Intelligent Design Ultimately Concerns Purpose
Proposition 16: Scientifice Explanations of Origins Can Be Veiwed in Light of Purpose, and If So, Are Unobjectionable
Proposition 17: Resulting Theology in This View of Genesis 1 Is Stronger, Not Weaker
Proposition 18: Public Science Education Should Be Neutral Regarding Purpose
Summary and Conclusions

I do believe that between ID/Creationism and Darwinian Evolution, there indeed exists an alternative. Check out the endorsements and you will know that it is really worth a look as an argument on the possible third way on Genesis 1.



¡u³Ð³yªº¦¸§Ç: ¯«ªº¤À°t»P¤Hªº¨¤¦â¡v


¡u³Ð³yªºÂ§ª«: ¯«ªº½ç¤©»P¤Hªº³d¥ô¡v

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[link: cgst]







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[link: iQuest ®æ«ä]

Modern Day Slavery in Canada

From EFC:

A Report on Modern Day Slavery in Canada (2009)

This 30-page report reviews recent experience with human trafficking in association with major international events and recommends action that may be taken by the Canadian, British Columbia and Vancouver governments in preparation for the 2010 Olympic Games and beyond.

Human trafficking, the capture and confinement of individuals for the purposes of sexual exploitation, abuse and enslavement, occurs today at an alarming rate (an estimated 12.3 million people are coerced into forced labour or sexual exploitation around the world). What many find shocking is that it occurs in Canada and that Canada is used as both a transfer location and a destination country for human traffickers.

This report reviews and considers current steps being taking relative to the prevention of trafficking, the prosecuting of traffickers and the protection of victims and recommends further steps that the government of Canada can undertake to better reduce, and one day hopefully eliminate, trafficking in Canada and beyond.

[link: EFC]