
the trail of a family becoming


「多倫多華人福音教牧同工團契」決定邀請中華福音神學院、天道神學院戴德生中心、 OMF及 MSI等機構一起於四月11日(週六)上午10時假「華基」愛正堂100 Acadia為主的忠僕戴紹曾牧師舉行追思禮拜。加拿大華福將負責在聚會時收自由奉獻,交MSI已經成立之 “Taylor Educational Fund” (泰勒基金),本聚會為中/英雙語,恭請各界人士參加。

The TCEMF (Toronto Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship) has just passed the motion in this afternoon Committee’s meeting to organize a special memorial service to commemorate Dr. James H Taylor III on April 11, 2009 Saturday at 10:00 am using the sanctuary of Toronto Chinese Community Church at 100 Acadia Ave., Markham, ON. This is in conjunction with a few other Christian organizations with strong ties with Dr. Taylor’s past ministries like China Evangelical Seminary, Tyndale Seminary Hudson Taylor Centre, OMF and MSI.  The service will be in English and Mandarin. It will open to all.

We have also decided to make a special free-will offering designated for “Taylor Educational Fund” to be sent and administered by MSI. We request that CCCOWE Canada to be the one to do collection, issue receipts and the transfer of fund.



…屬靈操練的作用,是在神面前放下自己,擺上自己。可是,有些人的屬靈經驗,是封閉在自我的感受中,而不是求上帝改變他。約拿做了個「救命」(life saving prayer)的禱告,但不是個「改變生命」的禱告(life changing prayer)。如果只為自己感覺良好,自我靈性提昇而禱告,那些禱告也不能改變一個人。



Working for the kingdom

From NT Wright’s response to BW3, on Tom’s earlier book “Surprised by Hope“:

BW3: …Help us connect the dots between our future hope in Kingdom come, and our present work. Is it a mere foreshadowing of Kingdom come, or an actual foretaste, and so part of that work? Does what we do now, get perfected when Jesus and the Kingdom come in full? What does it mean to be co-laborers with Christ and why should that give us hope in the present as well as for the future?

Wright: We are not building the kingdom by our own efforts, no. The Kingdom remains God’s gift, new creation, sheer grace. But, as part of that grace already poured out in Jesus Christ and by the Spirit, we are building FOR the kingdom. I use the image of the eleventh-century stonemason, probably illiterate, working away on one or two blocks of stone according to the orders given to him. He isn’t building the Cathedral; he is building FOR the Cathedral. When the master mason/architect gathers up all the small pieces of stone at which people have been working away, he will put them into the great edifice which he’s had in mind all along and which he alone can build — but FOR WHICH we can and must build in the present time. Note 1 Corinthians 3, the Temple-building picture, and the way it relates directly to 1 Cor 15.58: what you do in the Lord is NOT IN VAIN, because of the resurrection.

I have absolutely no idea how it might be that a great symphony or painting, or the small act of love and gentleness shown to an elderly patient dying in hospital, or Wilberforce campaigning to end the slave trade, or the sudden generosity which makes a street beggar happy all day — how any or all of those find a place in God’s eventual kingdom. He’s the architect, not me. He has given us instructions on the little bits of stone we are meant to be carving. How he puts them together is his business.

[Read the whole thing here]

And may I add here a passage from Calvin’s Institutes, book III, chapter 16, section 1:

Do you wish, then, to attain righteousness in Christ? You must first possess Christ; but you cannot possess him without being made partaker in his sanctification, because he cannot be divided into pieces [I Cor 1:13]. Since, therefore, it is solely by expending himself that the Lord gives us these benefits to enjoy, he bestows both of them at the same time, the one never without the other. Thus it is clear how true it is that we are justified not without works yet not through works, since in our sharing in Christ, which justifies us, sanctification is just as much included as righteousness.




Jeremiah’s New Exodus in Galatians

For those of you who are interested in how the New Exodus motif played out in NT and especially in the Pauline letters, Peter Leithart is pointing us to an very interesting paper by his student Lisa Beyeler on Jeremiah’s New Exodus in Galatians.




我突然間想到這會否是世人心裡面的一種 intrinsic eschatological hope,渴望見到那末後更美好的現實呢?又或者是這個冷冰冰的 demystified world,根本滿足不到我們心底裡面的 desire for mystery and transcendence,以至於我們要另築一個世界出來玩?你留意當今最賣座的電影或電視劇集,例如 Star Wars, Matrix, Lost, Battlestar Galactica 等,都是有濃厚的 mythology 在裡面的。換句話說,人是接受不了一個能夠完全掌握及完全理解的世界的。我認為這些都是後現代不滿現代進程的一些徵狀。

也許,這些現象能夠使我們反思我們傳福音的 approach。究竟我們是要去不斷解釋信仰的合理性,繼續玩那 rationalist 的遊戲,解到人悶死為止;抑或是轉轉方法,專心指向那奧妙的上帝、吸引人的基督、和如風般變幻莫測的聖靈呢?

[link: theoryspace]





















Karen 也有話說

God’s beauty

Walking outside this afternoon reminds me of this lovely hymn. Enjoy and have a great weekend.