
the trail of a family becoming

Biblical Preaching – No kidding!

Thank God you are NOT in this church and, (so far) you have not heard sermon like this:

During the sermon, Rainey read a passage from Obadiah and said, “The word used for ‘provision’ is the Greek ‘kupkos’, or ‘chabed’ in the Hebrew, meaning ‘oikenatilus’ or literally ‘havet am rabed alshallai.’ The original tells us, ‘Kepkus oikenate dunamis rikesa,’ a fascinating word construction, meaning not just once but continually, or, ‘Akinitus kre dormitaron,’ which corresponds to, ‘Shevet ahim gamyahad.’ If I may put it this way, ‘Gelli toheron basmat evit yarna, khom harde dir shalom ette ramen novar chemyon.’ Amen?”

Jim, I think this should be put under your “Ministerial Misconduct” category!

[HT: Dr. Jim West]

What’s your working style?

I love to know others’ “secrets” of effective working-style. Knowing the “what works?” and what doesn’t?” from others, help you understand yourself better and give you the otherwise missed options to find out your rhythm of work.

Alan Yu from Vancouver AFC just responded to my inquiry, and explain in detail what his daily routine looks like and how he can manage to lead this multi-facets parachurch organization and continue his life as a husband, and a father of 2 (and to keep up with the latest 家好月圓 episode).

Take a look.

And then take some time to reflect yours.

Trip to Lion Safari

Jocelyn says:

No, it wasn’t Africa. But mom and dad took me to this place where I can see all the animals I learned from books and TV. I love the giraffe. And the baboons!! Did you see that?!

And of course, anywhere is great as long as I am with my cousins Erica and Adrian, and my good friends Michelle and Mitchell!!

Erica’s Birthday

Jocelyn says:

I attended my cousin Erica’s birthday over the weekday. Every one had so much fun! Take a look at the pictures and share my excitement!

Thank you, Andrew

Well, this is your official last day. Just want to send you a big “thank you”. Thank you for your inspiration and partnership for the last few years. It is my honor to serve with you.

And thank you for the book you gave me. I hope you will enjoy mine as well.

See you around! (I have a feeling that your office still needs a lot of work to clean up…)


Jesus loves me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so…


What will you do?

What will you do if you read a good book and you want more people to read it? You buy box of it and start giving them away…

And you stop giving out the plot by refraining yourself from writing a review or reflection post…

Let me tell you — it is not easy to keep one’s mouth shut on something that good!

It’s done!

After a 20-hour battle, we are so happy for Andrew and Amy, and to welcome little Anderson into our Father’s world.

The 2 of them must be exhausted, hope they can get some rest first.

And Andrew, there is no need to ever ask Amy “Just how much you love me?” for the rest of you life. You have just witnessed it in a most dramatic way.

And yes, to me, a mom giving birth to her child is almost supernatural, so support her all you can hereafter!!!

By the way, is little Anderson’s middle name “Neo” ??!

A picture from Kan: