
the trail of a family becoming


Okay. I know that for posting comment, sometimes the captcha image can be hard to decipher. And for some strange reasons, the refresh is not really working and most of the time, your comment is gone and you have to type it all over again.

I have changed the captcha to a web service called reCAPTCHA. What’s good is that the input can be verified on the spot and it will not clear the comment entered. More than that, every time when you key in the words, it will help the OCR over at Internet Archive to digitize their books better!


Well, as your can see, the upgrade went quite well. I spent half a day and most of the major functionalities are up and running now.

As mentioned before, fine-tuning will continue. And if you spot any unexpected behaviors from the site, let me know.

Who’s on First? Typography

The classic “Who’s on First?” in Typography form:

Other than the awesome typography, the classic is also one of the best illustrations of communication disaster, where 2 perfectly logical individuals expressed their thoughts accurately, yet completely missed the point.

This is to tell you that sometimes, just being “right” and “accurate” are not enough….

Upgrade underway

WordPress 2.5 has just been released today (Mar 29). As the site has been running on 2.0.4 for quite some time now, I think it is time to upgrade to a new release soon. So starting Monday, the site will be intermittent for a few days.

While fine tuning will no doubt continue in the next few weeks, I hope everything will go smoothly and the major functionalities will be up mid-week next week!


I was reading Techcrunch the other day, and the following paragraph caught my eyes:

Microsoft is a company with a lot of good people doing amazing things, but those people are like a horse that has been handicapped out of the race with the baggage of Microsoft old. They are putting up a good fight to be seen and listened to, but it’s a hard ask. Microsoft is clearly a company that is changing, the only remaining question is will the whole organization transform into the new Microsoft quickly enough to survive the rapidly changing way companies and individuals interact with technology.

Now change the word Microsoft to church; company to institute; and technology, God.

And you will know why the paragraph catches my eyes.


Beyond our solar system

Beyond our solar system

The Milky Way galaxy suspended in a glass cube

A laser was used to etch around 80,000 of the stars in the Milky Way, using three-dimensional data from the Japan’s National Astronomical Observatory.


When does it end?

For all of you Hi-Fi enthusiasts, I hope by looking at these pictures, you will be asking yourself:

“Just when will these all ends?”

I have given up my craving for the ever-changing, never-ending technology hunt for a long time now. Working as a programming analyst for quite some time and was crazy about audio components in the past, I can say that I have seen it all. But I come to realize that there is a fundamental difference between getting the latest and greatest and working with the latest and greatest. I have seen just too many people having in their hand, device that they have no idea how to use it fully. They get it because it is the latest invention and it is cool. Yet they have no knowledge what’s so cool about it and appreciate the technology behind it, or why (and why not) it is so innovative.

This is what I hope to teach Jocelyn — that commoner gets what others made; while true “imagine-er” (as Disney puts it) creates what others get.

I hope she will be creating, instead of always consuming.


God does not do waste

In his annual televised New Year Message the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams reflects on how a ‘disposable’ attitude to living can affect other areas of life and that ‘God does not do waste’. Filmed in Canterbury Cathedral and at a nearby recycling centre.