
the trail of a family becoming

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Truth Matters

How many times you receive emails detailing new vicious schemes criminals used to attack the innocents, or new health alerts on household products commonly used? How many times you received warnings saying certain restaurants are so dirty that you should stop going right away….

What do you do when you receive something like this? Do you, with good intentions, forward them to your friends immediately? Do you ever wonder about its accuracy and its authenticity?

For more than 8 years, what I normally do when I got email like that is to first run them through the website These guys are constantly researching and tracing emails which make claim on certain facts or truths. For example, I received this “good intention” email from my relative this morning entitled PLEASE READ – RCMP Report. So I use their search engine, search with several keywords from the emails: “RCMP”, “head-lights”, etc and here it is! Just read what they have to say.

Use it! It is really helpful. I know many of you do not see the harm of sending unverified emails to those you loved. It won’t hurt, right?! But in reality, it does:

Unfortunately, it can hurt. This chain letter, and others like it, incite panic, lead to copycat crimes and bog down officials with questions about legends, occupying time they could be using to address real crimes and other matters of public safety.

Please also consider the fact that as Christians, we are truth-seeking individuals. It matters if something is fact or plain gossip; it matters if we are being used to spread rumors or creating unnecessary panic or that we do the wrong things with good intentions.

Truth matters!





Update (Nov 20): 找到了!原來有牧者看見有人將它們亂放,拾起了,不過忘了交回辦公室。

Wrong News is Bad News

有時,真是no news is good news。

起碼,是much better than wrong news。



看這樣的Tracking Status你會有乜反應?乜嘢叫做”Item successfully delivered to Receiver”?除了解作「包裹成功地送到收件人」還有甚麼合理可能?



另外,原來”Item out for delivery”係指正在送(deliver)去另一間郵局。嘩,高呀!

這樣的Status report,你話係咪無好過有?

我可以明白這是郵局內部不同stage的IDs,但當你推出來給顧客使用,是否應該有些re-phrase 可以做?


What does your desktop/laptop look like?

Hey, can we begin a round of captures of your computer screens?

Feel free to email me your screen capture or provide the URL of your upload in the comment section.

So far, we have:

  1. Edmund@home
  2. Edmund@work
  3. Peggy@work
  4. Maggie@work
  5. Fanny@work
  6. Jessica@work


If you have a good idea, chances are someone else has either made it happened already, or in the process to.

A few months ago I was looking for an online collaboration tool which allows documents to be edited by different users. I need it to be secure AND simple to use at the same time. Versioning and check-out/check-in features are in my requirements.

Who knows a few months later, I would come across Not only it meets all my needs, it is free!

Good that I don’t need to write codes in order to earn a living.

Make Your Workstation Fit You

I notice my wrist and shoulder starting to ache after the preparation of my talks in the last retreat. I am worried because I typed over 25,000 words that 2 weeks and it might be early signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. So after the retreat, I got freak-out and went to get all those keyboard and mouse pads and replaced the mouse with a trackball device instead.

I just read that ergonomic product company Ergotron offers an installation tool to figure out what your optimum ergonomic workstation should look like. Just click your height and various values are displayed; sitting eye height, standing elbow height, seat height, etc. It might explain why you have such bad backache all these years.

Click on the picture to give it a try.

Permalinks not working…

Not sure since when, but permalinks are currently not working. If you have been clicking on any links from this site and they always refer you back to the frontpage, you know what I am talking about.

[Tech Talk: There seems to be something wrong with Apache/htaccess on Powweb, so I am reverting all links syntax back to wordpress default]

I have made some temporary adjustments in the mean time. Let me know if you encounter any more issues.



Update (Aug 22 2007): Issue has been fixed by Powweb. Hopefully it will not happen again.