
the trail of a family becoming




  1. 新的教會網頁怎樣?
  2. 有甚麼可以改善?
  3. 若可能,你希望可以加入甚麼,叫你更多使用教會網頁?


Blaise Aguera y Arcas: Photosynth

Yes, jaw-dropping indeed.






Such a good (and funny) contrast on people seeing the same thing (MS surface, in this case), but with completely different agendas their minds.

First, we have our contestant from the this-is-so-cool side:

And here comes the what-a-piece-of-crap side:

See what I mean?

Theme at work

Theme at work, will take a while for everything to work properly.


Do you see anything interesting in this screen capture?


Yes, Apple Safari is now in beta for Windows. 

Linking youtube and others….

The fact that I have seen more and more video clips of this and that on blogs and websites through youtube and other user-generated video site, it makes me wonder….

Does uploading a, say, TV commercial, Music Video, or a portion of a TV show violate the copyright and/or licensing issue?

How about a compilation of clips from a sports star or celebrity?  

Not that I am trying to be judegmental or anything, but I do think we in general link whatever is available on youtube with no regards on Intellectual rights.

Any thoughts? 

more links

I have included quite a few more links to the sidebar, all of which I visit frequently.