
the trail of a family becoming

Tag Cloud

I have created a page showing the Tag Cloud in my blog. See also the link from my sidebar.

Yes, I am just as surprised by that many tags and subjects….. 





Recent Modified Posts

Sometimes I update earlier posts. Although WP has a field in the posts table to record the last modified time, it is not easily access or use to show updated posts or to display them in a list form. The alternate way is to modify the time-stamp of the post itself, but that would change the permalink and make external referral a big issue.

As a result, I have written a few lines of codes to pull together a list of recently modified posts and place it on the sidebar to the right. Check it out from time to time to see more info I put in previous posts.

Story to tell.

Things are getting pretty quiet here in blogdom. I guess most of the people have forgotten about blogging altogether. Can someone tell me what happened to these people in our blogging world?

Blogging is a way of life. If you just think blogging is cool and so start your own, you will quit eventually. To blog means that you have a story to tell, and that you still have the passion to tell it. To blog means that you refuse to be devoured by the busyness and craziness of life; that you want to tell your story, instead of being told what your story should be.

Is there any new-comer or long-time blogger who want to reveal yourself and let us know that you still have a story to tell?



Well, talking about freedom, many cell phone prisoners are set free today as they can now transfer numbers seamlessly from carrier to carrier in Canada. I have waited this day for quite some time.

Are you planning a move soon?


Accident? Disaster? Think again.

There will be happenings in life which seem on the surface to be the end of the road. But then when we wait long enough, they turn out to be nothing but intentional, something wonderful and marvelous by any standard.

And to illustrate my point:

Sinking? Think again.

[coolplayer width=350 autoplay=0 loop=0 charset=GBK download=1]FLIP[/coolplayer]

[Read more


適逢小弟星期一放假,於是走去小女將於九月入學的那地方交報讀申請表。途經一唐人food-court,便決定先走進去吃午飯,以免lunch time時間交表冇人撲個空。


看得久了,心裡突然湧上一陣悶氣,心想「為甚麼個個到一色一樣?」 現在做青年還有甚麼選擇嗎?還是一直也是這樣,只是年紀老了,覺得人云亦云地去「潮」下去其實一點也不「潮」。


跟著再看看這大群中學生個個戴著的iPod,那本身已經成為新的「霸權」。沒有了那種另類的「不可一世」,淨係靠個樣,可能對大多數人還是吸引的,但就肯定失卻了要求「另類選擇」的hardcore fans。

我還沒有說那個pc vs. mac的廣告系列。讀讀這文章

Ultimately the campaign's biggest flaw is that it perpetuates the notion that consumers somehow "define themselves" with the technology they choose. If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that "says something" about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe – but not a personality. Of course, that hasn't stopped me slagging off Mac owners, with a series of sweeping generalisations, for the past 900 words, but that is what the ads do to PCs. Besides, that's what we PC owners are like – unreliable, idiosyncratic and gleefully unfair. And if you'll excuse me now, I feel an unexpected crash coming.



What is it like to work at Google….

I received this as a forward email from my ex-colleague with the subject: "Best Company In The World !!! – It's Incredible !!!" 

Well, after reading it, I am still not sure — is this really what we think is "best"?

Judge for yourself, and let me know what you think!


Google's HQ, otherwise known as Googleplex, is situated in Mountain view, California in Silicon Valley. Throughout the corridors between the four buildings, there are all sorts of Google memorabilia on display. They even employ guides who specialize in explaining Google's history to people. There are lava lamps everywhere, as well as free coke and candy all over the place. They've also got huge multicolored exercise balls everywhere.


People's workspaces are full of individuality, and the atmosphere is relaxed. There are couches everywhere. People can have a lie down when they need to and take a break.    

Google's staff loves sports. The big guns often have meetings at the pool table or in the corridors.      


The casual atmosphere in Google HQ can be demonstrated by the fact that staff can bring their pets to work, and the pets are allowed to wander around the office.       


Heaps of people have pets at Google HQ.         


There's a rule within Google: that there must be food within 100 feet of every employee.

There was once an engineer who felt a bit ripped off about that rule because his nearest food counter was 120 feet away, so he asked for the error to be corrected, tongue in cheek. The relevant department replied: "There's a restaurant right above your desk, and you are definitely less than 100 feet from that one."


This looks more like a toyshop than a workspace!      


Rumor has it, a dude who had just joined Google had not been able to find a flat, so he lived at Google HQ for a month. He lived a lot better than Tom Hanks in The Terminal. Meals are provided, couches everywhere, there are showers in the bathrooms, a gym and a swimming machine. There are even pianos in music rooms you could use. Better than the facilities at home! The dude didn't leave Google HQ for a month straight.       


It's all fun and games!       


Whiteboards at Google HQ are filled with all sorts of great (or not) ideas in all sorts of different languages. 


There's free food all over the place, it almost look like a supermarket.       


Hmmmmmmmm chocolate!       


There's also a free laundry room for use for the staff.