
the trail of a family becoming

Blog = ?

自 03 年至今,我留意到中文網上日誌的湧現。但奇怪的是,Blog 這個字詞的中文翻譯卻從未統一過。

「網路日誌」:這是直譯自 Weblog
「部落格」或「部落」:可能是為了強調 Bloggers 之間的共同志趣,成為「部落」。
「博」:似簡單音譯多。Blogger 則為「博客」。
「破格」:大有突破傳統之勢,很合 Blog 的精神。



尋日起身,發現電腦o吾work,按極個 ON/OFF switch 都無反應。及後發現屋企 power surge 過,雖然經已駁上 surge protector,但心想不妙,部機實係 toasted o左。

上網查查,話可能係個 power supply 死o左,所以走去士多房,「炒 」晒 D 舊電腦出o黎,終於真係俾我搵到有類似插掣的 power supply!一駁上,哈哈,o番生喇!


但當興高彩烈地以為可以為男人平反之際,可惜,發現呢個舊 power supply 舊到連自己o既 fan 都已經死o左,所以,ended up 都係要買過個… @#$%^#$!

$100 laptop

Design of $100 Laptop for Kids Unveiled:

The MIT Media Lab has launched a new research initiative to develop a $100 laptop—a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world’s children. One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) was announced by Nicholas Negroponte, Lab chairman and co-founder, at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in January 2005.

I don’t doubt the minds of MIT in their ability to develop laptop like this. My concern is more on how we can ensure the machines will get into the hands of the children as well as what will put on as curriculum.



My colleague AW sent me these through email the other day. Well, looking at the ridiculously steep gas price these days, I guess there is one thing we can do at least — to laugh about it.

In the future

I don’t mind traveling on a cart like this in the future. But I defintely mind dressing like that in the future though.

This is a living proof that the future can be bad, very bad for us….

MessenPass – Recover Lost Instant Messenger Password

MessenPass is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of the following instant messenger applications:

* MSN Messenger
* Windows Messenger (In Windows XP)
* Yahoo Messenger (Versions 5.x and 6.x)
* ICQ Lite 4.x/2003
* AOL Instant Messenger (only older versions, the password in newer versions of AIM cannot be recovered)
* AOL Instant Messenger/Netscape 7
* Trillian
* Miranda

This is an excellent tool for such absent-minded person like me.

Um… you know it is coming, don’t you?

After Apple’s recent announcement to use the Intel chip in 2006, people have been wondering, “but can we do it now?” Well, consider OS X is based on BSD and the Mach microkernel, “yes” for so it seems. But the answer has always only been a theoretical “yes”….

Until now.

Here are the steps (for rosetta and to get itunes and other ppc apps working, you need sse3 though…)

OS X on a Sony Vaio

Now I have to seriously rethink my plan of getting a powerbook…..

I spent the whole night writing an interface document

It’s 7:55am. I spent the whole night writing a 16-pages integration document as part of the upcoming major implementation at work (only 1 of the billion interfaces I have to write). The further I wrote the document, the more I realize that the 2 systems involved are not really as compatible as my boss initially thinks. There are major architectural and technological differences which we never anticipate.

So what’s the lesson learned? Don’t leave things to the last minute — If I come across that earlier, I could have raised the issue and discuss it with my boss before hitting the deadline and stumble on this critical issue at the same time.

Well, having said that, I think it is only possible if you are not already working 14 hours/day.

My boss actually did not say much about it. Maybe he is expecting the incompatibility all along? Who knows…. (or maybe he hasn’t read it yet?)