
the trail of a family becoming

Girl probes “PlayStation thumb”

Get your first medical article published at the age of 13 or waste your time to become the subject of what you are researching.

She said she herself did not own a PlayStation because they were a “waste of time”.


Read here (Thanks Horace for the link).

WordPress upgrade

While looking at installing the ESV verse-of-the-day plugin, I notice my wordpress is rather old. It is time to upgrade and hence the site will be up and down in the next few days.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Slide Show Mod for WP-Photo

I have added a “slide Show” option to each post with photos in the blog. I will document the mod with the steps required later.

By the way, you can always access all postings with photos by clicking “Becoming Gallery” from the menu on the right.

slideshow demo

mysql 的亂碼問題

Horace 提及 mysql 中的亂碼問題。我不是這方面的專家,不過我的發現是若用上utf-8 為 mysql 的 charset 及 collations,而輸入時 WordPress 的 Options-> Reading -> Encoding for pages and feeds 為 UTF-8,中文顯示應是沒問題的。

不知其他人是否有這問題,但我所發現的是:當 mysql 的 charset 及 collations 是 utf-8,但 WordPress 的設定為 Big5,絕大部份的中文輸入是無問題的,但有些情況亂碼仍會出現。這可能是 big5 的 charset 中 有些 combinations 是 utf-8 所沒有的。於是當輸入 big5 characters 到一個以 utf-8 為 charset 及 collations 的 table 時,亂碼便(有可能)發生。

最理想當然是 mysql 和 wordpress 全用 utf-8。但我卻要將 blog 內的中文 posts 重新以 utf-8 輸入。很費時呢!

PEI (Pigeon Enabled Internet) vs. ADSL

“Never underestimate a pigeon carrying a memory card, hovering above your head, ready to download” – yossi vardi

Pigeon beats ADSL

You click “add coupon” for the products you selected, they print them out and mail it to you First Class via Canada Post, on the next business day.

The coupons are redeemable at supermarkets nationwide and best of all, the service is absolutely free, they even pay the postage.


A typographic book search. Very cool looking, but how useful? Well, that’s another question.

Do you buy online? Read this.

Consumer Advice: How to Avoid Phishing Scams

The number and sophistication of phishing scams sent out to consumers is continuing to increase dramatically. While online banking and e-commerce is very safe, as a general rule you should be careful about giving out your personal financial information over the Internet. The Anti-Phishing Working Group has compiled a list of recommendations below that you can use to avoid becoming a victim of these scams.