
the trail of a family becoming

Not much to say.

In ways that are unprecedented, I actually feel that I don’t have much to say these days.

Blogging will resume when I feel otherwise, if I feel otherwise.

6 years of blogging, is it time?

Javan Ivey: My Paper Mind

While searching for something quite different, I come across this by total accident.

Truly exceptional.

An experimental animation in a technique being called “stratastencil” devised by Javan Ivey. Each frame is one piece of 4×6 card stock.

[link: javan ivey]

Mankind Is No Island

Yeah, no special effects, no gazillion $ budget —
No celebrities, no glamour —
Nothing but a simple and powerful message,

Shot entirely on a cell phone.

That’s what I am searching for, looking for, longing for.

[HT: Presentation Zen / Link: Tropfest NY 2008]

A Mini in your hands

Imagine this: You¡¦re reading through a car magazine when you come to an ad for the new MINI Cabrio. The ad directs you to a URL, and once there, asks you to place your magazine in front of a webcam. Suddenly, and before your very own eyes, a 3D model of the new Mini appears on the page, and you are literally holding it in your hands. If you move it closer to the webcam, the Mini gets bigger, if you move it farther away, the Mini gets smaller, and you can twist, turn and rotate the model to look at it from any angle that you¡¦d like. It¡¦s like a miniature showroom in the palm of your hands, and you¡¦re in control.

Sounds futuristic, right?

Think again, because that¡¦s exactly what Mini has done with their latest series of magazine ads:

[link: the future of ads]

Macbook or iMac users

Hi all Mac users,

Can you tell me what extra software and hardware costs you have to pay, for things that are not already included in your mac? I am trying to estimate the additional cost to a possible macbook purchase, in order to make it fully functional for daily use.

Of course, exotic software like Final Cut or Logic Pro or games are not in discussion here. But things like Chinese fonts, input method or anything that you think a Chinese pastor (like me) might use!

Please help!

A test x-post to facebook

Hello World!

The sea of spam…

Just how do you fight spam at work?

Every morning, I have to delete a sea of junk before reading something that is really address to me.

It is hard to own a private domain name these days. Even harder if you have to manage two!


We will go to Hong Kong for a 3-week vacation. Thus blogging will be less frequent.