
the trail of a family becoming


Home desktop’s harddrive was toasted last night! Just like that! Not even a proper goodbye! It will take a while for me to restore the system (I am also crossing my fingers that my Seagate backup drive is working properly!).

The best way to reach me for the next few days (at least before I head back to HK) will be by the ancient old method —

The device they call “phone”.

Will you fall for that?

I just couldn’t stop laughing when I read this:



I can’t help but wonder, “Wow, who would have fall for THAT?”

And for the record — I am a pastor, and I don’t need a iTouch. In fact, if you buy me one, I will use it for anything except those mentioned above. And I will be so busy playing with my new toy, that I will have even less time reading my bible, meditating God’s words, doing visitation, planning my sermon… etc.

Oh, isn’t it suppose to help me on those? Oops…

National Do Not Call List

It’s better than nothing at all:

The National Do Not Call List (DNCL) gives consumers a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls. The National DNCL Rules introduce new responsibilities for Canada’s telemarketers.


Le Projet Triangle

Le Projet Triangle by Herzog & de Meuron:

Architects Herzog & de Meuron, the guys who brought you the “bird’s nest” in China, have unveiled their design for a triangular building in the Porte de Versailles area of Paris, France. Completion is planned for 2014.


Events & Happenings

From time to time, I will suggest some events and/or happenings in various places that might be of your interest. I have added a seperate page “Events & Happenings“, so you can view them within the next 13-week period, together with link to the original post.

That’s more like it, PC.

Yes, we all know about the “I’m a PC, and I’m a Mac ” anti-Microsoft ads launched by Apple for quite some time. I first wrote about how Apple changed from the cult that was once being proud to be marginalized, to become another totalitarian rule back in 2007.

And when you are cornered, stereotyped and labeled with the look and feel of John Hodgman, what do you do? You react. And Microsoft first trial of counterstrike was a complete disaster. The Seinfield-Gates series is ambiguous, and nobody knows what they are talking about.

But the great change of seats occurred with the recent “I am a PC” ads. The PC users are now victimized, and one by one they are coming out and tell you that they are nothing like Hodgman. The once-victim mac users are now portrayed as the new non-tolerated sect which demands that everyone MUST look like Justin Long in order to be cool and casual kinda guy.

The message is clear and to the point: don’t you dare stereotype us. At the end, who cares about which platform is stable and which is more user-friendly and productive and powerful? It is all about politically-correctness. Are you telling me that if I do not look like Justin Long, then I am cool no more? Don’t cry like a baby now, you asked for it.

Oh, by the way, who is Justin Long? Did the Mac ads make him famous? Nope. But it did make John Hodgman a star. Why? Because what Long depicts is not innovation, but an average user, who knows jack about how things work, but pretend to be hype and cool based on what the mac allows him/her to do. Long lacks personality and character, he follows the crowd — and that’s a big no-no in a world where diversity reigns supreme.

That’s more like it, PC.

Do something

Conference 回來,心久久未能平復。













The world will change only when the good people do something.


International Justice Mission
World Vision
Masai For Africa
Make Poverty History
Absolute Leadership Development

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