
the trail of a family becoming




地點:麥恆中華基督教長老會,2250 Denison Street, Markham ON



日期:5月 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 日

時間:逢星期四晚8:00 ~ 9:00

地點:麥恆中華基督教長老會,2250 Denison Street, Markham ON

查詢:905-946-1725, 416-466-4303


Embrace your Wilderness Years

One of the best articles I have read about Jobs:

In fact, Jobs had just about every detail wrong. The Open Corporation was a dismal failure in practice. Its hallmark was that employee salaries were not kept secret; there was even an attempt to impose uniform compensation. It didn’t work, of course; all kinds of side deals were cut to satiate key employees…More concretely, Jobs had the whole business plan wrong. It would be two years before NeXT delivered anything to customers. When the NeXTcube computer finally did arrive, it proved too expensive to ever command a serious market. Ultimately, Jobs was forced to admit that the undeniably beautiful machine he and his engineering team concocted was a flop.

Yet how can these 11 years in the wilderness turned into the most pivotal period of his life? I don’t see a single magic that does the trick. There is no “key factor” — Family, friends, colleagues, circumstances, success, failures and self-reflections — all played their major roles in those 11 years. He learned from them. He embraced his Wilderness Year and make the best out of it.

Next time, try not to just think of Jobs the Icon, think of Jobs the Man.

[link: Fast Company]

This is why I disabled my fb account.

Here is the test of whether you are facing this danger: Is your Facebook self more attractive than your real world self? 

When I am forced to answer “yes” in all honesty, I know it is my time to disable the account.

[link: Tim chester]


早前預備講座筆記,竟然將學員的handout saved over 自己的講稿!幸得Mac 機的Time Machine救我一命。



又記:另一「復活」:我的displaylink adapter — v1.8a 後dual displays在10.7.3 「翻生」!

On Christmas Day

On Christmas day, we join with millions around the world in celebrating the incredible world-changing Emmanuel. God With Us. The Maranatha (O Lord Come) prayer has been answered, is being answered today and will one day be answered in full.

All Hail! Lord, we greet Thee,
Born this happy morning,

O Jesus! for evermore be Thy name adored.
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing;
O come, let us adore Him,

O come, let us adore Him,

O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

Wish you all a wonderful Christmas season and a most blessed New Year of 2012!


Weekly Message from Bishop Will Willimon 10.23.2006

From – an article by Harold Percy, “Good News People.” I very much liked its contrast between “maintenance” and “mission” as well as its stress on “effectiveness” being a mutually shared matter between pastor and congregation. The only thing I would add is that “effectiveness” is not only a matter of the faithfulness of pastor and congregation but also of God’s Holy Spirit working through us and our shared ministries!

1. In measuring the effectiveness, the maintenance congregation asks, “How many pastoral visits are being made? The mission congregation asks, “How many disciples are being made?”

2. When contemplating some form of change, the maintenance congregation says, “If this proves upsetting to any of our members, we won’t do it.” The mission congregation says, “If this will help us reach someone on the outside, we will take the risk and do it.”

3. When thinking about change, the majority of members in a maintenance congregation ask, “How will this affect me?” The majority of members in the mission congregation ask, “Will this increase our ability to reach those outside?”

4. When thinking of its vision for ministry, the maintenance congregation says, “We have to be faithful to our past.” The mission congregation says, “We have to be faithful to our future.”

5. The pastor in the maintenance congregation says to the newcomer, “I’d like to introduce you to some of our members.” In the mission congregation the members say, “We’d like to introduce you to our pastor.”

6. When confronted with a legitimate pastoral concern , the pastor in the maintenance congregation asks, “How can I meet this need?” The pastor in the mission congregation asks, “How can this need be met?”

7. The maintenance congregation seeks to avoid conflict at any cost (but rarely succeeds). The mission congregation understands that conflict is the price of progress, and is willing to pay the price. It understands that it cannot take everyone with it. This causes some grief, but it does not keep it from doing what needs to be done.

8. The leadership style in the maintenance congregation is primarily managerial, where leaders try to keep everything in order and running smoothly. The leadership style in a mission congregation is primarily transformational, casting a vision of what can be, and marching off the map in order to bring the vision into reality.

9. The maintenance congregation is concerned with their congregation, its organizations and structure, its constitutions and committees. The mission congregation is concerned with the culture, with understanding how secular people think and what makes them tick. It tries to determine their needs and their points of accessibility to the Gospel.

10. When thinking about growth, the maintenance congregations asks, “How many Lutherans live within a twenty-minute drive of this church?” The mission congregation asks, “How many unchurched people live within a twenty-minute drive of this church?”

11. The maintenance congregation looks at the community and asks, “How can we get these people to support our congregation?” The mission congregation asks, “How can the Church support these people?”

12. The maintenance congregation thinks about how to save their congregation. The mission congregation thinks about how to reach the world.

[link: John Mark Ministries]




留意當保羅在加拉太書4:25 再提「阿拉伯」時,保羅所指的是當地的「西乃山」。如此是否保羅踏著昔日先知以利亞的腳蹤,進「何烈山」(=「西乃山」)重組對這嶄新差遣使命的了解?(比較 王上 19.1-18)。

保羅與以利亞確實有許多相似的地方。在羅 11:1-6保羅也曾將自己的工作和以利亞作比較。如以利亞相似,保羅也是為神「大發熱心」(比較 王上19:10, 14),他昔日殘害教會,有如以利亞殺死眾多巴力先知。這和保羅在加1:14-15 對自己過去的描述相當接近。

另外,在回程時,保羅亦提到他回「大馬色」。這點和以利亞一樣接受上主的任務相同(王上 19:15)。



What did God do in Christ that we could not do for ourselves?

What did God do in Christ that we could not do for ourselves? NT Wright’s “2 minute summary of the bible.”