
the trail of a family becoming














Jocelyn and her vuvuzela

The Risks God Takes

Why a little church history is a dangerous—and necessary—thing.
Carolyn Arends

…The story of Christianity ultimately leaves me shocked at the risks God takes with humans. Even the greatest lights in church history were dishearteningly imperfect. For all his heroism, Luther attacked the Jewish faith so polemically the Nazis later misappropriated his writings for their anti-Semitic cause. Reformer Ulrich Zwingli advocated justification by faith and concern for the poor, but he also endorsed the executions of two of his brightest disciples because they became Anabaptists. Simons was an inspired Anabaptist leader, but he overzealously excommunicated many who did not live up to his pious standards.

Yet God did great things through these flawed people, much as he did with Abraham, Isaac, Peter, and Paul. As long as there is a human element in his church, it will be prone to corruption. But as long as his Spirit moves, there will be reform and renewal.

When our kids are ready, we will give them context for their religious heritage. For now, they do not understand that the church they file into on Sunday mornings is a place as dangerous as it is holy. But if God is willing to keep taking a chance on it, so are we.

[Read it all here]

You can see how dangerous it is for us not to read the Bible or to understand “a little church history” ourselves. Our projection and idea of God could never match the real one revealed in human history. We can never appreciate how gracious He really is, unless we have a deeper and fully understanding of how we are, both individually and corporately, as human beings.





Bad advertising

Okay, I get it — give your kids Scott’s Emulsion cod liver oil, and they will turn into freaks.

So much for advertising.

Smith on Nike’s WorldCup Ad

James K.A. Smith:

In Good Game, one of the things Shirl Hoffman emphasizes about “good” sport is that play is “autotelic”: that is, it is its own reward, its own end. The joy is in the playing.

Perhaps nothing illustrates this instrumentalization more powerfully than Nike’s new World Cup ad in which the world’s football great are shown to be motivated by either the quest for glory or the fear of shame. Rooney and Ronaldo are (probably correctly) portrayed as playing for the acquisition of women and wealth and worldwide adulation–goods external to the game itself. The commercial is a case study in everything Hoffman shows is wrong with sport.

[HT: Fors Clavigera]

Every Day The Same Dream

[The game] is simple, using the left and right [arrow] keys for movement, and the [space] key to interact with people and items when their name pops up at the bottom of the screen. The goal is to get through the day. A day like any, every other day. Your path appears to be predefined; get up, get dressed, say goodbye to your emotionally oblivious wife, and go to your cubicle at work. Wash, rinse, repeat. And yet, if you break out of routine any way you can, whether it be simply by going left instead of right or taking more drastic steps, you’ll find that there are ways you can experience his small world differently. You’ll have to play through the day multiple times to see all the content, but it still probably won’t take you very long at all…

…The protagonist has no face, no personality, and yet there’s something about his situation that makes him instantly identifiable, someone to feel sympathy for. I almost felt a sense of desperation the longer I played as I tried to find something, anything, that would change his life for the better… or even at all.

Play it here.

[Every Day The Same Dream]