
the trail of a family becoming



全體會眾: 全能仁愛和公義的上主啊,我們在紀念六四廿一周年的時候,一起聚集在祢面前禱告,為著我們的袓國,向祢懇切祈求。
啟: 上主啊,我們特別為今天中國的新一代向祢禱告。
應: 上主啊,我們祈求祢保守中國的新一代,身心靈都不致受損害,可以健康愉快地成長,並且能夠有正確的價值觀來建設我們的國家。
啟: 上主啊,我們特別為過去一直堅持維護人權、自由、民主和公義的生命鬥士向祢禱告。
應: 上主啊,我們祈求祢看顧這些生命鬥士,讓他們不單有堅毅的信心和鬥志,亦能夠得著其他同行者的支持與鼓勵,我們也祈求祢安慰他們的親友,在困苦日子中仍然充滿盼望與平安。
啟: 上主啊,我們今天再次為所有六四死難同胞和他們的親屬向祢禱告。
應: 上主啊,我們祈求祢不單撫平他們的傷痕和抹乾他們的眼淚,亦讓和平的種子在他們心中得以栽種,化成生命的新動力。
啟: 上主啊,我們祈求祢的聖靈繼續復興中華教會,在困難中仍能高舉基督的麾號。
應: 上主啊,不要使我們在安逸環境中迷失,幫助我們在祢的光照下作這黑暗世代的明燈,幫助我們從新得力,敢於在教會中發出公義的呼聲,不讓我們淪為不義政權的共謀者。
全體會眾: 上主啊,掌管歷史的上主啊,我們雖然明白中國的變革並非一朝一夕的事,但我們仍然祈求祢賜給我們積極勇敢的心志,忍耐奮鬥下去,終有一天得見合乎祢心意的國度降臨神州大地,奉主名求,阿們。






Mark Galli,咄咄逼人的耶穌,頁51。


Pixel Qi

Just read about Pixel Qi and its amazing innovation, not to invent new gadgets and technologies, but in making things better with the present-day machinery:

PixelQi’s screen technology represents a key breakthrough for the portable computer market, especially for low-cost devices — a screen that is readable in direct sunlight and more power efficient than current display technologies. Pixel Qi’s screen consumes 25%-50% of the power of a regular notebook screen in their power savings mode and will be available at comparable price points and volumes to standard LCD screens. Pixel Qi’s screen can be manufactured using the same fabrication machinery as conventional LCDs.

See how it kills the iPad:

And see how it compares with Kindle and Transflective LCD:

Mary Lou Jepsen, the founder of Pixel Qi, was the CTO for One Laptop Per Child (OLPC).

[link: Pixel Qi]

Browsers ad campign

We all know that the “Hello, I’m a mac, and I’m a PC” ads campaign is officially over. Yet another front-line is developing among the internet browsers.

First Google Chrome’s speed test:

And then we have Opera’s parody as response:



一是因為工作。晚睡心理明顯帶有贖罪的色彩,他們認為晚上是白天的彌補。這些人往往白天對自己的自我評價不高, 覺得這一天沒做什麼自己真正喜歡的事情,到了晚上,忽然覺得這一天需要補償。他們會想,「我已經擠壓了睡眠時間來完成工作,我確實已經盡力了。所以,你沒 有任何理由和藉口來斥責我了……」

二是對白天生活的抗議。他們白天勞累了一天,壓力很大,到晚上需要一種亢奮,先去除心理上的疲 憊,然後才能睡覺。這類人會沉溺在網絡,觀看網絡視頻、泡論壇、聊天,有的人會流連夜店,在快節奏的強勁音樂中疏散壓力。豆瓣網上專門有一個晚睡小組,組 員有一句名言:晚睡是對白天生活的無聲抗議。這句話似乎就能概括此種晚睡者的深層心理。

此外可能是因為遺傳,或者其他因素的影響,天生就帶 有一些神經質的氣質,這類人通常都有一點睡眠障礙,所以也會加入此族群…〔全文

[link: 明報加東網]

AMiA Special Communique on ACNA

A Special Communiqué from the Anglican Mission in the Americas on The Anglican Mission’s Relationship with the Anglican Church in North America

More information will for sure come out in the next few months. But as the communiqué suggests, the move will “allow the Anglican Mission to maintain a level of connection to the North American Province, even though the missionary movement will remain under the spiritual and canonical authority of Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini and the Province of the Anglican Church of Rwanda. It also allows for the Anglican Mission to continue to function as a missionary movement committed to church planting as we have for the last decade.”

Please bear in mind that what is now happening for all Anglicans in North America is simply unprecedented. We are writing Anglican church history as we speak. The move should clear the inherent confusion as to how the “dual-citizenship” model can play out as previously suggested.

Update: Duncan’s ACNA Leadership Communiqué.




