
the trail of a family becoming

Mind the Gap, please!

Okay, when I read Luke’s gospel, I was also curious about what happened to Jesus and how he escaped at the cliff of Nazareth.

But when I learned Bruce Longenecker was able to write a whole book on just that… now I am in awe.

Oh, it is only 152 pages.

Hearing the Silence
Jesus on the Edge and God in the Gap—Luke 4 in Narrative Perspective


Update: Nijay K Gupta just wrote a short review of the book.

Permanently Immature

Listening to Tim Chester again:

God has placed you together with the people in your congregation. You did not chose them; God chose them. And that diversity of personalities, backgrounds, social class, ethnicities is used by God to make you grow in Christ and to display the unifying power of the cross.

But in cyberspace you are god. You chose who will be in community with you. You create your own communities of convenience that mean you are never challenged. Or if you are challenged or relationships become costly you can just scuttle off to new relationships. As a result we never grow. We are permanently immature.

[link: Tim Chester]

Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies




會後,我追問林教授有關李提摩太(Timothy Richard)的宣教進路,並問及李氏的工作成敗的見解。









Repost: 7 Ways to Guarantee A Miserable Life & 7 Ways to Guarantee A Happier Life

I love Feinberg’s humor!

7 Ways to Guarantee A Miserable Life & 7 Ways to Guarantee A Happier Life

Life throws us a mix of good days and bad days. At times we wake up and feel as though we can conquer the universe and ride a comet as a detour. And you know those days when you want to be in a bad mood? When you don’t want to try to get out of it? Here are a couple hints to tip the scales one way or another.

7 Ways to Guarantee a Miserable Life:

  1. Stick your hand underneath every restaurant table, even if it’s not yours. Two points if gum sticks to your fingernails.
  2. Cut off as many people as possible on the highway.
  3. Forget your sibling’s/spouse’s/mother-in-law’s birthday on purpose. Grab a birthday card to give the next day, but make sure the card is for a high school graduation.
  4. Write down each mistake your spouse or significant other makes; the more ridiculous or far-fetched the nuance is, such as preferring oats over cereal, the better.
  5. Speed up in between stoplights so you have to slam on your brakes as they turn red.
  6. Budget? What budget? Go to and buy items you think are useless and outrageous. The more expensive and fantastic the object, the better. Life size King Tut bookcase, I’m looking at you…
  7. Say yes to everything for a week. Including all organizations asking for volunteers, providing baked goods for every church event, working overtime for free, and throwing eight-course dinner parties each weekend evening; bring your calendar to ensure you are sufficiently overbooked. Tire yourself out until you are grouchy and irritable to your heart’s content.

7 Ways to Guarantee a Happier Life:

  1. Order your meal out of order, just to mix it up.
  2. Let in two merging cars on your way to the grocery store.
  3. Surprise a loved one with a special surprise for no reason. Pick a flower or write a quick sticky note and hide it in their lunch. Add sparkly stickers for extra points.
  4. Instead of looking for the right person to marry, become the right person to marry.
  5. Be a sloth for a day. Take an extra long time brushing your teeth, take four minutes to walk down the hallway, drive in the right lane the entire way to work, and eat lunch in over an hour (if you can).
  6. Before purchasing an item over seven dollars, wait seven days to see if you still want it.
  7. Say no once this week in an effort to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

What things to you do to guarantee a happier life?


Juvenilization of Christianity

I couldn’t agree more with Bergler’s diagnostic. My hope is that his remedies will live up to that.

Interview with Thomas Bergler on his book The Juvenilization of American Christianity.

[link: EerdWord]

Keener: The Evangelical Left in History and Today

Blanket statements about all evangelicals mix the Democratic Tony Campolos with the far right Jerry Falwells. Given evangelicalism’s diverse history and its undefined future, it is both inaccurate and unhelpful to stereotype all “evangelicals” as the religious right. It was especially this public linking of evangelicals with the political right, by Jerry Falwell and other public figures, that initially consolidated the religious right. Today, stereotyping evangelicalism as a whole only fortifies the influence of the political right on a movement that has a much more varied history. Democrats should therefore applaud President Obama and others working to transcend these traditional political barriers.

Read the whole thing here.