
the trail of a family becoming

Quotables and Notables

Reason to be cheerful, Tom Wright, July 16, 2005

Much of our contemporary discourse – I sat through two days of general synod a week ago – has degenerated into a competition between the relative woundedness of people’s feelings. I am not saying that wounded feelings do not matter, only that saying “I’m more hurt than you are” cannot settle an argument on a point of principle. Unfortunately, since victimhood is the only high moral ground left after the collapse of reasoned discourse, speeches become harangues, name-calling replaces respectful engagement and party spirit trumps public wisdom.

回到聖經裡的神學 — 專訪李思敬(續篇),羅民威,二OO五年八月廿一日 (requires subscription)




Money and the Church, Ben Witherington, August 11, 2005 (see also Generous Giving)

Fact# 5: Americans spend, as a group, $2. 5 billion per year for world missions, $2. 5 billion per year for chewing gum,$ 8 billion per year for movies, $22 billion per year for hunting, $34 million per year for state lotteries. Source: John and Sylvia Ronsvalle, Behind the Stained Glass Window.

Filed by edmund at 11.43 am under Faith |

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