
the trail of a family becoming



  • 若你在北美洲,是最窮的那5%,你要知道,你仍然比這個世界的68%人富裕。
  • 若然你的雪櫃裡有食物,你今天有一件外套,有瓦遮頭,今晚亦有地方可以睡覺,你比世界75%的人富有。
  • 若你能夠參加教會的崇拜,而不需要擔心迫害、逮捕、被折磨,甚至死亡,你有這世上30億人所沒有的自由。
  • 世界上8成的人每日只有少過$10用。
  • 接近66%沒有乾淨水用的人,每日只有少過$2用,其餘的33%少過$1。
  • 數以百萬計的女人和小童,每一天要用上幾小時去收集所要用的水。
  • 每年因為飲用的水不乾淨而死於痢疾的小童,有180萬。
  • 在2005年,全球最有錢的20% 用了76.6% 的資源。12%的人用了85%的水。
  • 2011年有接近7百萬於5歲以下的小朋友死亡,而死因在西方國家來說,是絕對可以根治的。






老實說,我開始唔係好明,點解我d friends,有咁多時間讀咁多網上文章,又可以在fb 發咁多發人深省的言論?

你哋d 時間係點樣用?唔駛做?



On Christmas Day

On Christmas day, we join with millions around the world in celebrating the incredible world-changing Emmanuel. God With Us. The Maranatha (O Lord Come) prayer has been answered, is being answered today and will one day be answered in full.

All Hail! Lord, we greet Thee,
Born this happy morning,

O Jesus! for evermore be Thy name adored.
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing;
O come, let us adore Him,

O come, let us adore Him,

O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

Wish you all a wonderful Christmas season and a most blessed New Year of 2012!

第N次 歷史性網友聚會

我常說:不要老是說現代科技的邪惡。沒有如blog、fb 那樣的聯繫,就沒有一次又一次的「歷史性網友聚會」。

Samuel,為神對你的呼召而感恩。聽你一席話,讓我看見的是機會 — 是華人教會承擔整全福音的新機會。我用心的聽,腦裡轉著無限的「可能」…

Gabriel,你成了這些聚會的common denominator 了。因為你,很多人因此連結起來。謝謝你。





第四次歷史性網友聚會 @ Destiny Asian Fusion, Toronto

年青有為,準ANiC會吏 Anson
AFC 大佬 Gabriel
趁機黐餐 Edmund

Diary of the wimpy kid

若你是11歲左右的小朋友,又或者喜歡回憶你的初中時代,可能你已經正在追 diary of a wimpy kid


沒有法術、沒有衣櫃,一切就是in your face 的場景。裡頭,你會體會6年級生的生活,為人父母在子女心中的印象,親人、朋友對他們來說是甚麼、渴望甚麼…



小心Harry Potter!要行埋邊啦,

這個叫Greg Heffley 嘅 wimpy kid 嚟啦! Wishlist & Shipping cost

As many of you may know, I have a wishlist at In the past, I have received items from that list sent by a few gracious friends and family members. I also received gift certificates as gifts and honorarium.

But a recent event made me ponder if there is any alternative. My last order of books were charged over $30USD just for shipping! (I cancel the entire shipment at the end) This is really ridiculous as I can get most of the items with free shipping through or!

The only problem is that some items that has, the Canadian stores just don’t carry.

I tried to look for ways to export the wishlist to their Canadian counterpart, but I don’t think there is one. So here is what I think:

  1. If for any reason, you would like to sent me a gift certificate to buy books online. Send me one from or I don’t want to waste your generosity on some crazy shipping cost!
  2. If you know any open-platform wishlist site that allow people to link items to specific web-stores, please let me know. Specifically, I am looking for one that allow people to view my wishlist without creating an account or logging in.

God is calling you

Allow me not to expound the details and complicate matters. And please understand that I don’t do this often (in fact, ever) as well. But here it is:

This morning, I have a very strong sense that God is calling me to tell those that I know to seriously ponder the possibility of  doing full-time ministry by first studying theology in a seminary.

No names, no details. Just that.

And no, I did not have a vision or was sent to the third heaven. It is just a strong sense and conviction that I need to say this.

And so, it is far from coincidence that you are reading this right now.

I know, all the “but’s” will come up from your heart and mind right away. But please,

Listen first.

Listen to Him first.

No, this is not a joke.

I would never crack jokes like this. This is serious.

And if you think I can help in anyway. Let me know right away.