
the trail of a family becoming


老實說,我開始唔係好明,點解我d friends,有咁多時間讀咁多網上文章,又可以在fb 發咁多發人深省的言論?

你哋d 時間係點樣用?唔駛做?



Filed by edmund at 5.39 pm under Culture,Friends |


  1. Alan


  2. 有趣嘅係,我d friends 唔係個個要寫講章。就算要,亦唔係個個星期要。所以問題仍然係:

    唔駛做?冇第二d 嘢做㗎咩?

  3. Alan

    Allow me to suggest, there is a new addiction to information spreading among this generation. It works just like any other addictions. And like workaholism, it is often disguised as something admirable. Dangerous.

  4. Karen

    Very good question, Edmund, If you play Diablo 3, I’m sure you’ll find more friends there than fb.

    As for myself, I usually write and read during office hours — so you know how ‘free’ I can be at my clinic at times… my colleagues usually watch movies or facetime their friends…

  5. @Alan, agree. And I think the addiction is not just for “this generation”. Just look at many of our parents and retirees who spent some much time doing nothing but forwarding and re-forwarding emails…..

    @Karen, you have an “unusual” job. And no, I don’t play computer games, and I can never understand how people can find the time to do that when they always complain about their crazy schedules at work and other family demands.

  6. Karen

    Haha, I totally understand what you mean, Edmund. I receive a lot of your dad’s emails… Information spreading is also very popular within the c9 circle from the start, maybe just another form for this generation?

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