
the trail of a family becoming




簡 單來說,我的工作影響著我的生活,到一地步,影響了我的家庭和教會生活。 工作性質需要我on call,不時晚上兩三點也要起身support。我們沒有rotation,公司也沒有打算請人作night-time支援。一有call,你在哪裡也 要回家VPN。不但使我的家庭生活有很大影響,及至週中的教會聚會我也不敢參與。想想你負責的事工,在開始時公司急call,然後同參與的兄姊說「今晚取 消,我要走先」,你願意嗎?

這樣的生活其實持續了一年多了 (之前我是on pager,一年前開始on blackberry)。 而在這年多,神安排很多的事情發生在我身上,不約而同的叫我看見我需要再思想全職事奉的呼召要如何落實。轉了新的教會開放了我事奉的方向和可能; Boston的分享叫我明白宣講神的道是不可能「業餘」的;Anson放棄工作遷到Vancouver準備入Regent提醒我神的呼召不會不了了之的;Horace要轉行讀醫讓我看見其實我也有這樣的熱誠和勇氣;讀梁家麟的《人間信仰》,叫我的信仰有很大的突破;在工作上,以前要我放棄它我會二話不說,因為我根本不希罕,但現在,有了兒女和一定的生活標準,放棄工作是真的「入肉」的。這一切一切都是楔子…


十月十六日, 我遞了辭職信。





Filed by edmund at 5.15 pm under Faith |


  1. Peggy


    畢竟﹐祂對我們的承諾﹐不是言語能表達的right? ;)

  2. Jessica

    This day has finally come true…..Edmund, you are walking in God’s foot prints. Every step you walk, HE has past through. Be strong and stand firm because…
    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans I to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-12

  3. Anson


    David Virtue recently interviewed Rick Warren, and this is what he said: “We (Rick and his wife) would also institute a reverse tithe. Each year since we were married we would give 1% or more. In the first year we gave 10%, in the second year we gave 11%, the third year 12%, and on and on. Now we give 90 percent. Finally I added up what the church had paid me over the years and gave it all back. The point is you can’t out give God.”

    May God abundantly provide all that your family needs while you are living on the edge, giving all your life for His kingdom.

  4. Thanks so much for your advice and encouragement, I will remember them when I continue this exciting journey!

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