
the trail of a family becoming

Who is N.T. Wright?

Annie asked the other day who N.T. (Tom) Wright is. I think it is best for her or any of you interested to go through my previous posts about him.

Also worth reading is a chinese introduction from last year. 

Thanks Anson for his summary and suggestions.

Filed by edmund at 10.23 pm under Faith |


  1. Anson

    I am currently watching this DVD called Living Faith. It’s a 10 episode 30-minute long discussions about the basics of Christianity, taught by NT Wright. For those who find his books too daunting, this DVD is perhaps a great start.

  2. Anson

    Here’s a sample video for the Living Faith series.

  3. Annie

    Fabulous link…..thanks Anson and Edmund for the info. Great help!!

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