
the trail of a family becoming


剛講了一篇關於希律•安提帕(Herod Antipas)的道。因為篇幅的關係,所以將大部份的背景討論從講章中刪去了。


我沒有將講道錄音,不知教會的AV Team有沒有。有的話,會一同post出來。


註:雖然不是第一次講道,卻是在MGC的第一次。你的感覺如何,有甚麼可以改善? 告訴我好嗎?

Filed by edmund at 10.22 pm under Faith |


  1. Stephen

    The sermon was mediocre…….just kidding!

    I think it was solidly informative, authoritatively assertive and thought-provocative. I am not trying to flatter, and I understand that you have an open mind for criticism for future improvement, but I can’t think of any flaws at this point. We just have to praise God that He had used you to teach on His behalf.

  2. Peggy

    haha to be honest, it seems a bit long. But it has nothing to do with u…I have the CTS2L (Can’t Sit Too Long) Syndrome

  3. Peggy

    But overall, nice sermon. One that is easy to remember the central meaning.

  4. Stephen & Peggy, thanks for your comments and encouragement. I notice the “long” part. It is my fault. I will better control myself not to run overtime next time I preach.

    Anything else?

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