
the trail of a family becoming


幾本值得推薦關於「工作神學」(或 「職場神學」、「市井神學」…)的中文書:

  1. 楊世禮,為誰辛苦為誰忙──基督徒工作觀的探討,2005
  2. 希爾,商界高手──基督徒商業倫理縱橫,2001
  3. 張國棟編,經濟商業生活與基督教倫理,2006


  1. Miroslav Volf, Work in the Spirit: Toward a Theology of Work, 1991
  2. R. Paul Stevens, Seven Days of Faith: Every Day Alive With God, 2001
  3. Eugene Peterson, Leap Over a Wall(中譯:俗世聖徒:平凡人的靈性生活), 1997
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Filed by edmund at 4.06 pm under Faith |

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