
the trail of a family becoming

Can this be? Part III

More heart attack!! — Cc’s sisters Tammy and Winnie are blogging as well!!

Speaking of blogging, what’s going on with Jessica’s blog? Does anyone know?

Behold the POWER of sisters! 

Come on, anyone else? Mom, do you blog too? You know this time of the year, I really can’t assume who blog and who doesn’t anymore.


Wow, what do you know?! Here is Fanny’s.

Filed by edmund at 10.01 pm under Family,Friends |


  1. Hi Edmund, if you don’t mind my poor writing, please visit my blog when you have free time too!!

    ^(oo)^ Fanny

  2. Of course I don’t mind. I am sorry that we missed your birthday on July 5th(?). Happy belated birthday!

  3. heehee…Thanks Edmund! But it should be July 4th (woowoo… Independence Day), on that mid-night which was the 5th I wrote the blog =)

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