
the trail of a family becoming

McKnight on Sermon Preparation and Plagiarism

Scot McKnight on preparing a sermon. (Here is part 2).

I am planning to write a post (or short series) on my views of preaching and why it matters to me (and all Christians) so much. It would be a long one and hope I can finish it in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

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Filed by edmund at 2.08 pm under Faith |


  1. Anson

    To be honest, I’m still horrified at the expectations of preaching every single week, 52 weeks a year, and for the rest of the pastor’s life until he retires. Without preaching, a sunday service basically ceases to function anymore. There’s like no excuse to have nothing much to say on the pulpit, no matter what the circumstances are.

    Don’t you find that quite a heavy burden to bear? How can a preacher maintain top-notch condition in a such constant manner? Why aren’t pastors allowed to say “gimme a break” or to be mediocre sometimes? These expectations from the congregation just sound inhuman and insane to me…

    Well, I’m really looking forward to your post to see what you have to say.

    P.S. Even web servers have downtime. I can’t imagine why pastors are always expected a 100% uptime…

  2. Well, I never thought of that before. Maybe if you are really concern and care about your flock, you should not worry about preaching too often, but rather not frequent enough….

    And if you preach by doing probably exegesis, you will have a lot of say, simply because the Bible has a lot to say. But if you are doing eisegesis and try to find proof-texts to support your point, then forget it, every Sunday will be like hell to you (and your congregation).

  3. Anson

    Hmm…that’s enlightening =)
    Thanks for the advice.

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