
the trail of a family becoming



至於Jessica,唔知攪乜,攪失蹤,唯有take out…

Filed by edmund at 10.49 pm under Friends |


  1. Anson

    Is there any kind of rss reader website you use? Is the “blogroll” you mentioned some sort of reader? I find it hard to keep track so many different friends using different blogging sites…(e.g., haha)

  2. Wow, you mean all along, you are checking websites one by one everyday?

    No! The one great time about blogs is the RSS that accompany with it. I use bloglines. And it even has a tiny notify icon sitting on your system tray which will alert you when there are new post from your blogroll.

    Try it!

  3. but how come i can never add RSS to my blog? yes, i check websites one by one everyday…sucks!

    is there any program that i have to install onto my computer to get the RSS working?

  4. Joanna, see my next post.

  5. Ok, i will wait for your next post. btw, you know i use MAC, not sure if there’s any difference.


  6. I am so happy that I am under your “link”…..I am speechless. Thank God for giving me more free time other than work work work….

  7. Kan, 駛唔駛speechless咁誇呀?!都係個句:你update時,我update!

    Joanna, Mac or not does not matter. Since Bloglines is web-based, as long as you can use your browser, you can read the blogroll.

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