
the trail of a family becoming

Greetings from Brazil!

Woohoo! I finally have internet access! We are now back to Sao Jose from the neighboring towns. For the past week, our team broke into groups of 3 and stayed with different brothers and sisters from the local church here and went through some discipleship training materials with them daily. Their responses are very good. The sharing is deep and genuine. We all treasure our time here.

We also had a chance to have conversations with the local Chinese here. Their working hours are just crazy. Some open until 1 in the morning and open again at 7am! (no shift, just the same couple) But what I admire most is the enthusiasm that is displayed by brothers and sisters here. They have weekend meetings that start at 9pm and go all the way to midnight. Many of them have to travel another 45mins back home! Their dedication is definitely something we have to learn in Toronto.

On Friday many of the core-members of the church also shared with us their spiritual growth during the past year. We also talked briefly the future partnership between our 2 churches and our focus on encouraging the young people from both churches to interact more in the future.

We will stay in Sao Jose until Tuesday. Then we will travel to Sao Paulo and then back to Toronto. Please continue to pray for us for the rest of our stay. May the peace and strength of our Lord be with us all!

P.S. Enjoy the photos!

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Filed by edmund at 9.43 am under Faith,Gallery |

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