
the trail of a family becoming

Photos from Thanksgiving weekend

Jocelyn says:

Thanks Auntie Fanny for vindicating my name! Yes, lots of uncles and aunties told me that I did an excellent job being the flower-girl. But do give some credit to mom and dad (and yeh-yeh, mah-mah, and yi-poh) — they all spent a lot of time teaching me how to walk like a princess…

And my next challenge? As you can see, I am practicing my Pilates moves!

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Filed by edmund at 10.32 pm under Family,Friends |


  1. Anson


  2. Jocelyn is soooooooo cute, she is a big girl now… i think you should bring her to ballet class, i can see she has potential.

  3. Um….好提議,諗諗、諗諗。

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