
the trail of a family becoming

Alive, still

No, I am still alive.

Just swamped with all the happenings and craziness of life and work.


If you still haven’t got a chance to express your support to the “comfort women” motion 291, please do so by filling out this online petition, before 3pm today.

BTW, where have all the Christians gone?

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Filed by edmund at 11.45 am under Culture,Politics |


  1. 暗黑卡夫卡的沙崙玫瑰

    Don’t you know that all Christains have gone for those 100% church-specific ministries claimed to be done in God’s will? Don’t you know it is idiotic for we today’s Christains to be like William Wilberforce, John Newton, Martin Luther King who never fell short in hoping for God’s righteousness one day being done on earth as it is in heaven? Under the mega shadow of 21St century \

  2. What an interesting name. I know what 暗黑、卡夫卡、沙崙玫瑰 means, but not sure when they are put together.

    Anyway, to answer your question: No, I don’t know that. In fact, I refuse understand my faith in this way.

  3. 暗黑卡夫卡的沙崙玫瑰

    Only as a girl stuck in a blog named 暗黑的卡夫卡, I take this alias for fun.
    My attention was drawn by your questioning only; not that much into your preference about understanding faith. After all, I am only surfing around for blogs worth reading. Hopefully my complete message can be submitted this time.

  4. Thanks for your comments. Please visit often!

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