
the trail of a family becoming




Filed by edmund at 7.14 pm under Faith |


  1. M

    個人覺得﹐在整個retreat 中﹐最亮眼的﹐不是講得好好聽的講員﹐也不是最後表演的一群可愛小孩﹐而是在penal discussion中﹐在台上清析發表自己意見﹐和在台下勇於提出質問那兩個”靚仔靚妹”。

  2. b&s


  3. 就好像沒有了「鼓勵之牆」,少了別人的鼓勵打氣而burn-out的那些弟兄姊妹,一樣不好受。


  4. J

    Had a lot of good memories during the retreat!

    印象最深的是: To be able to SERVE, SHARE, LIVE, EAT with brothers and sisters… was special and very joyful!

    on the side: WE purposely bought some snacks (no candies) into the retreat to ATTRACT little kids. Although, no little kids were attracted by the snacks. Instead, those snacks attracted kids over age 25…heheeeh

  5. Peggy


    what snacks? i didn’t notice any snacks….

  6. Vincent

    Honestly, the retreat is not really a retreat for me…but it is remarkable and a precious moment that I haven’t had for a long time. I treasure the time that I can serve with B&S together in unity and a joyful heart. After few years of “drifting (or floating)”, I found my feet finally landing on a ground that has caring, unity, and love from the lovely B&S.

    Thank you for these wonderful memories!!!

    BTW, how come everyone is using their initial and nickname???

  7. Hilda

    Retreat後,簡直有點虛脫,非常疲倦,不過心靈卻很喜樂,正如食神話齋,預咗唔係俾自己退修,所以全力盡做,結果好享受到事奉同心的喜樂;至於Workshop, as usual,到最後一分鐘先決定到點樣lead 個 flow,真有點心驚胆戰,但看見有些b&s由最初似乎好抗拒分享到後來雞啄唔斷(1st session), 心裡很為他們感恩,希望神已給他們一些生命的啟示.在第二個session,原本有17人sign up,但結果得7個人 show up,最初都有D氣餒,因為預備咗一大疊notes,但最後發現原來少有少做,人少少,manage 得更有成效.能夠把自己看重/有感動的東西與別人分享,並得著共鳴,讓人得著造就,是一件樂事.總括而言:今次retreat是滿有喜樂!The last sermon was also a good reminder to me and part of it even coincided with what I have been thinking recently. It’s so great!

  8. Fanny


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