
the trail of a family becoming

On Church-branding

Yes, a profound observation indeed:

And perhaps more disturbing, are we unknowingly contributing to the problem by encouraging Christians to construct and express their identities via Christ-branded merchandise rather than through characters transformed to reflect the values of Christ himself?

I think Skye is right, except he is too kind and nice to say that we are “unknowingly contributing” to the problem. I would go a step further –  many Christian leaders and talks on church growth are “knowingly” and publicly branding churches to achieve a cult-like status and create their own church myths. Church leaders are worshiped as celebrities and mythological figures, and church buildings (not church as in people of God), the temple with miraculous wonder. 

[Out of Ur: The Cult of Mac]

Filed by edmund at 9.55 am under Culture,Faith |

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