Dec 9, 2008
The originality of Christmas
Tags: Christmas_greetingsFiled by edmund at 12.32 pm under Faith,Family,Friends,Gallery |
You become like what you worship. You reflect the one you worship.
Those who keep on blogging
Those who help me understand what He said
What we think He is saying
What the world is saying
What the world is expressing
We depend so much on technology, yet we hardly care to know anything about it.
Great minds I finished (or gave up) wrestling with
Great minds that demand me to wrestle with
Where they are
Stay updated on my meandering thoughts (Syndicate).
Oh no, brown faces and blue skins, is Jocelyn developing an attraction towards Hindu gods? haha =)
It makes me start to think when is it appropriate in Christian Ed to start talking to kids about world religions? Given such a multi-cultural and pluralistic society we live in, they are eventually going to meet some Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jewish, Buddhist, Mormon friends (or at least children of parents practicing these faiths) at school, right? What shall we Christian parents do then?
Dec 10th, 2008
Well, children’ choice of colors reflect how they feel about their surroundings. What we see as “natural” and “normal” often times prevents us to see the world as God might have seen when He came — a fresh and completely different world (and thus my choice of words besides the drawing).
In terms of talking to our youngs about world religions, I guess the question is not “how old?”, but “how?”. Actually I am thinking of the same thing these days. After attending the parents interview at Jocelyn’s school and heard enough from her teacher that “Religion is good, every religion basically teaches the same thing”, I notice it is really up to us as parents to help our children understand world religions. I personally do not believe that every religion teaches the same thing. I think it is simply an insult to every major world religion and that it is an ignorant and/or make-believe comment made by non-religious people whose only wish is to harmonize different ideologies.
But in order to do that, I need to brush up my own knowledge of world religions, and then to find ways to express these different concepts and ideas to a 3-year-old, without sacrificing too much or over-simplifying them.
Dec 10th, 2008
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