
the trail of a family becoming


「多倫多華人福音教牧同工團契」決定邀請中華福音神學院、天道神學院戴德生中心、 OMF及 MSI等機構一起於四月11日(週六)上午10時假「華基」愛正堂100 Acadia為主的忠僕戴紹曾牧師舉行追思禮拜。加拿大華福將負責在聚會時收自由奉獻,交MSI已經成立之 “Taylor Educational Fund” (泰勒基金),本聚會為中/英雙語,恭請各界人士參加。

The TCEMF (Toronto Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship) has just passed the motion in this afternoon Committee’s meeting to organize a special memorial service to commemorate Dr. James H Taylor III on April 11, 2009 Saturday at 10:00 am using the sanctuary of Toronto Chinese Community Church at 100 Acadia Ave., Markham, ON. This is in conjunction with a few other Christian organizations with strong ties with Dr. Taylor’s past ministries like China Evangelical Seminary, Tyndale Seminary Hudson Taylor Centre, OMF and MSI.  The service will be in English and Mandarin. It will open to all.

We have also decided to make a special free-will offering designated for “Taylor Educational Fund” to be sent and administered by MSI. We request that CCCOWE Canada to be the one to do collection, issue receipts and the transfer of fund.

Filed by edmund at 4.47 pm under Faith |

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