
the trail of a family becoming

you are what you’re doing?


Social Network 一類如 Facebook,我以為,製造了大量極為無聊的信息。坦白說,若因為出於關心你,而要換來浪費我( 和他人)大量的時間,從大堆「我正在打甚麼機,打緊史上最強的超XX,勁YY大戰」、「我今日做的第一萬零二十八個乜乜心理測驗之結果為…」之流的垃圾信 息中,去找出你的近況;對不起,我會選擇放棄。




難道你唔覺難頂嗎?還是你樂於被reduce 為 you are what you are doing?

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Filed by edmund at 2.16 pm under Culture,Family |


  1. Haha, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the posting:

    Also read comment #12, where one person stated an important positive thing about facebook statuses — it presents a consistent picture of yourself to all your friends — not allowing us to wear face masks in front of different groups of friends.

  2. yes, it CAN, just as any other tools can be positive and can be used to help present a more consistent picture of ourselves —

    if we choose to.

  3. Perhaps we can see those “mo-liu” updates such as psychology test results and games are a facet of our friend’s lives. That’s what people spend their time in. We are surely not merely what we do, but what we do reflects what we value.

    Perhaps that can help us to understand a bit more about our friends. I’m sure there’s a pastoral benefit to these annoying status updates =)

  4. peggy

    well…the only reason i opened a facebook account is most of my friends (mainly those not in TO) put their pics on facebook.

    And i have the setting that no email notification on updates…

    and yes i got tired of those tests and games….

  5. Sharing on Facebook Now More Popular than Sharing by Email

    This tells us a very important fact: facebook is where the zeitgeist is. It’s where we can sense the pulse of the society, the friends we have. If Paul hung out in city squares and marketplaces, shouldn’t we also hang out in the modern day equivalent?

  6. 好問題,Anson。保羅時常hang out的,是Agora?還是當時(我認為)的zeitgeist(=神廟?浴池)?要 understand 友人的「真面目」,我同意,可以上fb,但也可以不是。說到底,是你的友人喜歡揭示甚麼的個人選擇。fb也不代表是真面目,常看到的status updates,也是負面情緒比較多…

    Yes, “we are surely not merely what we do, but what we do reflects what we value.”

    我會加多句,and what we value OFTEN dictated and molded by, like it or not, what is given to us (in this case, fb’s apps and games).


  7. …週日,他(華理克)分享說,Twitter上的招牌問題「你正在做什麼」讓他感到無聊,比起問這個問題,他將會用Twitter來分享他正在想什麼。


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