
the trail of a family becoming

Blomberg on Robertson re: Haiti

Craig Blomberg on Pat Robertson’s recent comment on Haiti:

… One of the most discouraging things about high-profile individuals whose misguided views on disasters are widely cited is the scorn that skeptics and critics subsequently unleash with renewed vigor against Christians more generally. If one’s goal really is for the lost to repent, this kind of pontification after a disaster proves dramatically counterproductive.

What Robertson needs to do, according to Jesus—what we all need to do—is take personal stock of our own lives, not those of anyone else, and ask what we need to repent of. Are we taking for granted that we have tomorrow to make amends, when we really know we can’t know that for sure?

[link: Denver Seminary]

See also Donald Miller’s remarks.

Filed by edmund at 11.15 am under Culture,Faith |

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