
the trail of a family becoming

The Christian Challenge in the Postmodern World

You’ve got to read this:

It is the church’s job, I believe, to hold such authorities as we’ve got — nationally and internationally and locally — to account before the God who will put the world to rights and who has announced in Jesus the way of doing it. The point of this all comes together, of course, in John 18 and 19 again, and Mark 10. The point of it all is that God will heal the world and that Jesus has achieved the victory in his cross and resurrection by which God will do that. And he is now calling the church, his loyal followers, to be the people through whom that critique can come about.

N.T. Wright’s The Christian Challenge in the Postmodern World and other recents articles from SPU’s Response

Filed by edmund at 12.16 am under Faith |

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