
the trail of a family becoming

What don’t you like about your church?

Now this is something I want to hear for a long time, and I would like to hear from you:

  1. What’s that 1 thing you really don’t like about your church?
  2. If you can, how are you going to change it?
  3. Now, name 1 thing you really like about your church.

Feel free to leave anonymous comments if you prefer. I am going to just wait and listen from you for this one.

So, come on, share your thoughts!


Filed by edmund at 10.24 pm under Faith |


  1. 1. that people are not growing
    2. to be a teacher for them
    3. that it is not traditionalistic

  2. 1. That no mistakes are allowed, full of control freaks, micro-management (i.e. no trust and no grace)
    2. Be gracious, starting with myself by letting go of perfectionist tendencies, and see how God even uses imperfect and broken vessels to do things that do not necessarily wow people, but brings in His kingdom in subtle ways.
    3. Because of no. 1, things always turn out to be top-notch quality and impressive. people are very dedicated and put in all their effort in serving the Lord.

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