
the trail of a family becoming

For the next little while…

For the next little while (over 2000 pages, might take a little longer than “little while”), I will focus on spending my leisure time in reading 3 of a significant 5-volume series of NT Wright’s exhaustive project on Christian Origins and the Question of God:

The first book addresses three main issues: i) Wright’s critical-realist hermeneutic; ii) the situation of Judaism within the first century Greco-Roman world; and iii) some general questions relating to primitive Christianity, in particular the importance of stories in shaping the Christian mindset.

In this second book Wright looks at the history of research into Jesus that has led to the current Third Quest, then considers how praxis, stories, symbols and questions determine Jesus’ worldview and mindset and how his aims and beliefs are consequently to be assessed.

The third work in N.T. Wright’s series on Christian Origins and the Question of God. It starts with investigations into the understanding of death and the afterlife in paganism and Judaism. It then examines belief in (the) resurrection in Paul and in the early church in the first and second centuries. Finally it looks at the Easter stories in the gospels.

About Wright:
Wright is Bishop of Durham and was formerly Canon Theologian of Westminster Abbey and dean of Lichfield Cathedral. He taught New Testament studies for twenty years at Cambridge, McGill and Oxford Universities. He is considered as one of the world’s leading scholars on the New Testament, and especially on the letters of Paul.

Filed by edmund at 5.30 pm under Faith |

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