
the trail of a family becoming

Are you willing to serve?

I was reading Tyler’s blog (codex), and come across this "O Holy Horrendous Night!" entry. I can’t deny that it is really funny while listening to that guy sings "O Holy Night", but I can’t help myself to have the following reflection…..

I was invited to help the church choir to practice a few times. On one occasion, I was even invited to conduct the choir during a hymn presentation on Sunday worship. I have absolutely no problem serving. In fact, I think it is my honor to be able to give the Lord whatever I have and be a part of the ministry that help the congregation to worship God.

But what I don’t understand is this — I am a no-body in terms of musical training. I have a grade 5 piano in HK. I took a intro course about music and music harmony when I was in U. I have no training in conducting (unless you count "observing" as training). I am surprised (and thankful) that God is willing to use such a person like me in his church.

But while I am surprised to see how God works, I am equally surprised when I know there are much more qualified brothers and sisters who should and have yet to take up that role, which is in great need right now. Of course, I don’t know their reasons (I am sure everyone must have their reasons). But I hope when they consider theirs, they can take some time to think of mine, in particular why I SHOULD NOT take that role and yet I am still willing.

1) I am just as busy as anybody else — whether you are working, home-making, studying…. my life is just as busy as yours.

2) I am just as inexperience as you think you are. As I said, I have no training in conducting. In fact, I am forcing myself to read a book on choir conducting. Worse than that, my piano skills and musical training is a lot worse than many of you.

3) As you can see, I really have no advantage over anybody. All I have is a willing heart to serve Him with all that I can offer. I know that God is looking for someone right now and that person might be you. Can you be that person? Or you would rather say that a person with grade 5 paino and nothing else makes perfect sense to serve in this position? Is this the best we can offer to our God? Is this the best YOU can offer to YOUR God?

Listening to this guy singing "O Holy Night" is essentially the same experience I have when conducting the choir. It is terrible and I know it. But it is only terrible because you are not willing to step up and produce a better "O Holy Night" yourself! So whose to blame? As I said, I have no problem continue my serving in the choir with what I have. But it is just sad (and if you ask me, ridiculous) that someone like you to give up such great opportunity to serve our Lord with what He has given you.

Think about it. 

P.S. "I am willing, what should I do?" you asked…. well, present yourself to the person in charge! Don’t sit there and wait for invitation!! 

Filed by edmund at 11.26 pm under Faith |

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