
the trail of a family becoming

Happy birthday Wolfie!

Today marks the 250th birthday of 18th-century composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Jim has been blogging on Mozart for a while, I think he should be voted as the #1 "living" [see Jim’s comment] fan of Mozart in blogdom.

As for me, I will be listening to his K.626 throughout the day to remember this great composer. By the way, Requiem is the second piece of music which I own most recordings on. The first remains to be J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations.

So which recording of K.626 am I listening right now? It is the 1977’s recording performed by ASMF with N. Marriner conudcting. In my opinion, this is the best (Beyer’s edition) among them all. ASMF & Marriner are perfect! 

And no matter how historically inaccurate is Amadeus, it is still one of my favorite movies of all times! 

And how could I end this post without a quote from Barth:

"….because [Mozart] had heard, and causes those who have ears to hear, even today, what we shall not see until the end of time—the whole context of Providence." — Karl Barth

Filed by edmund at 10.19 am under Music |

One Comment

  1. Jim

    I think I am the # “living” fan of Mozart who works in biblical studies and theology. Barth is the #1 “dead” one! ;-)

    Besides the Requiem, do be sure to listen to one of the early symphonies, and the “Paris” Symphony and a violin concerto and a piano concerto. And if you have time- an opera!

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