
the trail of a family becoming

Blogging anyone?

Just wondering, is anyone out there who likes to start his/her own blog but is reluctant to do so because you think it is a very complicated thing to setup?

In other words, who want to blog but just don’t know how to?

And what if I tell you blogging on the web is just as easy as typing out a email or a word document and you can setup a free blogsite similar to mine in less than 10 mins? Would that change your mind?

Let me know if it does (change your mind).


Update: And speaking on that, I would like to add one more question:

What are the reasons that you don’t blog? (Time? Privacy? Character? etc….) 


Update (May 02): 

I just learned that Jessica and Peggy have their own blogs…

Come on, who else?

Filed by edmund at 4.07 pm under Tech |


  1. Jessica

    I do have a blog page myself, but I don’t update it everyday. In fact, it’s been a while that I haven’t written.

  2. Where and Why (don’t you write anymore)?

  3. Jessica

    Here is my link and I sort of explained the reason.

  4. Wow, why didn’t you tell me before? Now I added the link to the right and I will read it often.

    Who else blog?

  5. Peggy

    eh…..I have a blog too….but not very related to faith (though once in a while I will post a faith-related article)

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