
the trail of a family becoming

Christmas dinner at Grandma’s place

Jocelyn says:

Tonight we had dinner at Gramdma’s place. See the big Turkey! I’ve got a feeling that I have seen it before…. um.

Video Clip:

  1. Ice-Cream
  2. Where’s the monkey?


Merry Christmas Everyone!




Jocelyn says:


剪完頭髮 ,梗係要整杯ice-cream補充下啦!






  1. Disruptive Grace:Chris TerryNelson是Princeton的M.Div生。能夠被列也入他的”Theology Blogs”最大原因可能是我之前寫過一篇論巴特釋經的文章。要知道Princeton是巴特研究的重鎮嘛!(當然,另一個原因可能是Chris唔識中文,所以我寫一大堆同神學「唔拉更」的題目他也不知!哈哈!)
  2. Karl Barth Society of Amherst:又是另一個討論巴特的blog。特色是這是個學會式的網址,而這次Becoming是屬於”Blogs That Touch On Barth”一列。嘩!實在榮幸、榮幸!
  3. ar_hoi:完全不知道你是誰。我們是認識的嗎?我想你應該比我年紀小一點,而且身在香港。再加上你連我的名字”Edmund”也寫成”Edmond”,我們應該不相識罷?是甚麼原因你連上了Becoming?
  4. Changing or Remaining:Ben Wu是台灣中原大學畢業生,碩士論文是”Revelation and History in Barth’s Theology (1910-1939)”,現正在愛丁堡的New College作博士生。嘩!年青有為啊,加油!
  5. 還有一些零星的連結,都是by post的那種,所以不錄了。

除此之外,還有一群所謂「OYB」的bloggers的blogroll,是以One Year Bible讀經的朋友的分享。不知何時Becoming被他們收在這Blogroll內,所以不少blogs都因此連上Becoming。

各位「不認識的友好」,謝謝你們的連結,有空leave a comment吧!

Updated: Mar 20 2007:

剛留意到香港的「豪仔」也將Becoming列入他的Blogroll,謝謝!豪仔剛完成了中神的MTh,研究題目為”The Communal Identity as ‘Israel’ in 1QS and 1 Peter“。另外,他的太太正於待產中,祝願一切平安!

Updated: May 15 2007:

謝謝溫哥華AFC的Alan Yu,列我為他Web Friends之一。他說自己是「青年工作者」,但看看他的Blog,就可知他實在是「十項全能」番番掂!

Updated: Sep 01 2008:




Office – my half-year review

I have moved to my current office from my previous one for about 6 months now. The main reason is that our church is simply running out of space and so we decided to have 2 pastors sharing the bigger room instead.

As you can see, everything seems to be orderly still. The partitions work quite nicely as one gigantic bulletin board; books are filling up the shelves soon, and Grünewald’s John the Baptist still pointing to Christ by my window.

How about yours? What's your office/cubical/working area/study room looks like? Let's have some fun and do a show and tell together!!!

  1. Take a picture of your office/cubical/working area/study room. Take it as-is. Don't tidy up the space. 
  2. Post it on your blog, or online photo album. If you don't have one, email the photo to me
  3. Write a few words about it, describing some neat things in the photo.
  4. Put a link in the comment section of this post (or email me the whole thing so that I can post it here for you).

This is going to be fun!!!

Come on, what does yours look it?

All the way

No matter you are (or when you are) coming back or not, it is wonderful nonetheless just to hang out — talking, laughing, sharing life happenings together — all in the love of God.

Take good care of yourself, Karen. Although we can't be there physically with you in Hong Kong, rest assure that our prayers and emails will!

And most importantly, God's loving care will guide you all the way, through and through.

…… Now, just where did I put my book-to-buy list? Um…… 

Welcome to the club…

Today, we have Horace telling us why he loves Mozart's Requiem. Now, who else?

We welcome Horace to the "K. 626 club"!

Thank you

I am so happy that some of us can sit down (finally) and have a chat about life in general. I's been such a while!

And of course, being in a house with so little furnitures and cooking utensils brings back a lot of memories too……haha!