
the trail of a family becoming

Kitty’s new clothes

Today, I am wearing the new clothes that my great aunt Kitty made!

I am 1 month old!

I am 1 month old now! Thanks every one for your continuous hugging, kissing and smiling!

Dad’s birthday May 07 2005

Dad is now officially a “senior” citizen!
We celebrate his brithday by asking to hold on to baby Jocelyn….. just for a “little” while.

Sunday after church & others

I went to church this morning with mom and dad and met many many people over there! Then I took some photos at home afterwards.

We had a great laugh

Well, this is our first try to get a family photo. You have any idea how difficult it is to take a photo of yourself, your tired wife and your ever-moving baby? Well, this is what we got after 20+ trial…..

I am 10 days old

As requested by Auntie Jessica (actually she is my God-sister), here are my recent photos. I am 10 days old now!

Oh by the way, my eyes are not small! They’re nothing like my dad’s….

I need a sun-tan

Recommended by the doctor, I am having a sun-tan today, Hoo-hoo!




