
the trail of a family becoming

Trip to Buffalo

Jocelyn says:

Hey boys and girls! Guess what? Buffalo is not just an animal, but it is a place where you can see lots of fishes, sea lions, Christmas lights, magic show and do a lot of shopping!

And the best part is…. I got to sleep with Auntie May and my cousin Erica at the hotel!


今年15.4lb 的燒牛肉(Prime Rib Roast)煮法:

  1. 前一日將連七條肋骨的燒牛肉解凍,用海鹽和黑胡椒塗勻全身,再放回雪櫃(not freezer)醃過夜。
  2. 燒牛肉前將肉取出,放於室溫兩小時以上。將可入焗爐的溫度計插進肉的中央。
  3. Preheat焗爐至450F。
  4. 用大錫盤將牛肉放進焗爐,待15分鐘後,轉至325F。
  5. 由第一個30分鐘起,每30分鐘將從牛肉出來的油/汁塗回牛肉上。
  6. 焗三小時半左右,以溫度計顯示肉的中央溫度為140F為止。
  7. 從焗爐取出燒牛肉,用錫紙包著牛肉,等20-25分鐘以上。


  1. Blue Cheese汁: 1 1/2杯的Wipping Cream和兩cloves的蒜頭切碎,全放進猛火的煲內。待滾後轉細火,再煮10分鐘(時不時攪動,免燒焦) 。待熄火後,將3/4杯的碎Blue Cheese放進,攪勻。用時再以細火加熱。
  2. 牛肉汁:燒牛肉完成後,用大錫盤底的牛肉汁,去油,再加入罐頭或自製的牛肉湯(Beef Broth),煮滾後即成。

Wishing You a Merry Christmas

Jocelyn says:

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I certainly have a great time so far! Wait until Auntie Tammy, Uncle Joannes arrive!

Here are some photos taken at Gung-Gung’s birthday, as well as dinner at Mah-Mah & Yeh-Yeh’s place.

And “Auntie” Eunice, it’s nice for you to drop by!




Jocelyn: My Eastern Canada Trip

Jocelyn says:

From Wednesday to Friday of last week, I also went to Ottawa, Montreal and surrounding places with Mommy, Mah-Mah, Yeh-Yeh and Yi Poh. I was very well-behaved throughout the whole trip! Too bad Daddy wasn’t with us, we missed you Daddy!

Jocelyn: My first visit to Toronto Zoo

Jocelyn says:

Mommy and Auntie Kitty took me to Toronto Zoo last week. You know, I can name most of the animals there now!

Fellowship Family Camp

We had so much fun and laughter this weekend. Thank you all of you for giving me and my family such a happy and relaxing time together. Thank you for all those that help out and make this family camp possible.

I pray that this will be just the beginning of a wonderful relationship as brothers and sisters together in Enoch’s. Let us all make an effort and do the “+1” that we promise before Him!

Yeh-Yeh Mah-Mah’s wedding anniversary

Jocelyn says:

Yesterday we went out for a nice dinner to celebrate Yeh Yeh & Mah Mah wedding anniversary. It was the first time I tried something call “pizza”. I was told that it is mommy’s favorite, and I like it very much too!