
the trail of a family becoming

Quotables and Notables

Reason to be cheerful, Tom Wright, July 16, 2005

Much of our contemporary discourse – I sat through two days of general synod a week ago – has degenerated into a competition between the relative woundedness of people’s feelings. I am not saying that wounded feelings do not matter, only that saying “I’m more hurt than you are” cannot settle an argument on a point of principle. Unfortunately, since victimhood is the only high moral ground left after the collapse of reasoned discourse, speeches become harangues, name-calling replaces respectful engagement and party spirit trumps public wisdom.

回到聖經裡的神學 — 專訪李思敬(續篇),羅民威,二OO五年八月廿一日 (requires subscription)




Money and the Church, Ben Witherington, August 11, 2005 (see also Generous Giving)

Fact# 5: Americans spend, as a group, $2. 5 billion per year for world missions, $2. 5 billion per year for chewing gum,$ 8 billion per year for movies, $22 billion per year for hunting, $34 million per year for state lotteries. Source: John and Sylvia Ronsvalle, Behind the Stained Glass Window.

The Christian Challenge in the Postmodern World

You’ve got to read this:

It is the church’s job, I believe, to hold such authorities as we’ve got — nationally and internationally and locally — to account before the God who will put the world to rights and who has announced in Jesus the way of doing it. The point of this all comes together, of course, in John 18 and 19 again, and Mark 10. The point of it all is that God will heal the world and that Jesus has achieved the victory in his cross and resurrection by which God will do that. And he is now calling the church, his loyal followers, to be the people through whom that critique can come about.

N.T. Wright’s The Christian Challenge in the Postmodern World and other recents articles from SPU’s Response

The Challenge of Following Jesus in the Twenty-first Century

Pepperdine University Seaver College
Dean’s Lecture Series

by NT Wright

Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3

The Holy Spirit in the Church

fulcrum conference islington

The Holy Spirit in the Church
friday 29 april 2005

Tom Wright
Bishop of Durham
full text


從近日兩篇文章看見華人教會漸漸留意麥葛福(Alister McGrath)的作品,實屬好事。希望日後有更多對他的介紹和討論。


不知NT Wright又如何?

In the new world there will be no more sea

Tom Wright

…. In a culture heavily influenced by Judaism and Christianity, one might have hoped that the Bible would play a part in the discussion. People seem to assume that it’s irrelevant. The general view is that the Bible offers an escape from the world into a personal religion. But that view is itself the result of the Enlightenment’s reductionism.

The Bible itself resists such treatment. It constantly acknowledges evil – “human” and “natural” alike – as a terrible reality. It doesn’t try to minimise it, to explain that good will come of it, or to blame someone (reactions which correspond uncomfortably closely to the excuses offered by immoral or warmongering politicians). It tells a story about the Creator’s plan to put the world to rights, a plan which involves a people who are themselves part of the problem as well as the bearers of the solution….

[Read more]

For the next little while…

For the next little while (over 2000 pages, might take a little longer than “little while”), I will focus on spending my leisure time in reading 3 of a significant 5-volume series of NT Wright’s exhaustive project on Christian Origins and the Question of God: [Read more]