Sometimes, we fall in love on mission trips even though we know we’ll break up when we get back.
Sometimes, you have to shot block a friend’s prayer because she’s asking God to bless an obviously bad dating relationship.
Sometimes, you think, “I wish I had a t-shirt that said ‘I direct deposit my tithe’ so people wouldn’t judge me.”
Sometimes, the stuff that comes with faith is funny.
This is that stuff.
Jonathan Acuff’s Stuff Christians Like is your field guide to all things Christian. Like a satirical grenade, Acuff brings us the humor and honesty that galvanized 730,000 online readers from 209 countries in a new portable version. Welcome to the funny side of faith.
如同很多在互聯網上流傳、聳人聽聞的「醫學忠告」一樣,這份信息並沒有標明出處,也沒有附以可靠的科學研究報告,在提供有關癌病準確、可靠和最新資料的機構如美國國家癌病研究院(National Cancer Institute)、美國癌症協會(American Cancer Society)和加拿大癌症協會(Canadian Cancer Society)等的網頁上都沒有提出餐後冷飲和癌病有關的信息,此外,傳媒也沒有相關的報道,若流傳的信息是真的,一定會受到醫學界的重視而作出深入的研究,和受到傳媒的注目而作出廣泛的報道。