Heading to NC
I will spent most of today traveling to NC to attend the 2009 AMiA Winter Conference until the end of the week. Blogging will (hopefully) continue once I settle down.
Javan Ivey: My Paper Mind
While searching for something quite different, I come across this by total accident.
Truly exceptional.
An experimental animation in a technique being called “stratastencil” devised by Javan Ivey. Each frame is one piece of 4×6 card stock.
[link: javan ivey]
On Obama’s inaugural address
Brian Walsh on Obama’s inaugural address and other things.
[link: empire remixed]
Did you watch Passionate Eye on CBC yesterday? Here is the 30mins version:
This, and of course, the ever-increasing messianization of Obama are both troubling and irrational to watch.
We are not building an empire…
In one of the ending chapters, Peterson expressed what he sees as a positive change between his congregation and him, after he returned from a year of sabbatical leave:
A recent incident, seemingly trivial, illustrates the profound difference that keeps showing up in a variety of situations. About twenty-five of us were going on an overnight leadership retreat. We had agreed to meet in the church parking lot at 5:45 to car-pool together. I made a hostpotal visit that took longer than planned and arrived five minutes late — to an empty parking lot. They had left me. Before the sabbatical, that would never have happened; now that kind of thing happens all the time. They can take care of themselves and know that I can take care of myself. Maturity.
We are both, the congregation and I, experiencing a great freedom in this: neither of us neurotically needs each other. I am not dependent on them; they aren’t dependent on me. That leaves us free to appreciate each other and receive gifts of ministry from each other.
Eugene Peterson, The Gift — Reflections on Christian Ministry, p.151.
What do you think? How would you feel when something like that happened to you as a pastor? Reading Peterson’s words, and looking at how Apple’s share slump on Steve Job’s temporal medical leave, one has to wonder how counter-cultural pastoral work can be, and must be.
No, as pastors, we are not called to build an empire — at least not one that circles around ourselves. If your congregation cannot survive upon your departure or your extended leave of absence, it could only mean one thing — that those people have been following the wrong person all along.
May the neighbors’ words to the Samaritan woman be a constant reminder to all of us who are leading, shepherding and teaching:
We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world. (John 5.42)
這段時間,去過Mitchell 清倉的人,或會有同感:
[未問自取afc Gabriel 的大作,還請見諒!]
這個年代,我們不再相信一個人的力量,會有甚麼成效。我們都崇拜會議和委員會一類的力量。我希望你聽我這樣說的時候,明白我的意思。我不是叫各人,自己喜歡做甚麼就做甚麼,事奉的時候,你一個山頭、我一個山寨; 沒有配搭、沒有同一方向而來的互補。我的意思是,我們被會議和委員會一類的群體工作寵壞了。沒有別人,或者人少一點、資源少一點,我們就甚麼也不行了。一套套現成的材料成了很多事奉者的恩物,但同時亦大大影响了我們自發、個人的耐力。我們好像忘記了,耶穌在這裡強調的,正是「一粒芥菜種」的力量,不是一把的芥菜種的力量。
- 我向歷代願意走進陌生的地方,將天國近了的信息帶給人的宣教士們致敬。你們的默默耕耘,是我的榜樣。
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