
the trail of a family becoming

What is worship

Hilda questioned the attitude of nowadays Christians on worship. Her comment reminded me of the following quote:

Worship is humble and glad; worship forgets itself in remembering God; worship celebrates the truth as God's truth, not its own. True worship doesn't put on a show or make a fuss; true worship isn't forced, isn't half-hearted, doesn't keep looking at its watch, doesn't worry what the person in the next pew may be doing. True worship is open to God, adoring God, waiting for God, trusting God even in the dark.

… Worship is nothing more nor less than love on its knees before the beloved; just as mission is love on its feet to serve the beloved — and just as Eucharist, as the climax of worship, is love embracing the beloved and so being strengthened for service.

N.T. Wright, For All God's Worth, p.9

Biography on NTW

AL from adversaria has written a great biography on NTW where he situates all Wright's major works into it.

And of course, if you want to read the *real* story of Tom, you have to click here



Yeah, exactly, why? I asked the same question a while back.


Oh my goodness, but this is what you get when you put Wright on the table — namely, you have to write a 4471 -word long comment!  

2 Cor 5.11-6.2

July 30 2006 課堂錄音:



  1. 哥林多後書5.11-6.2筆記(pdf)
  2. 哥林多後書5.11-6.2經文(pdf)


  1. Craig L. Blomberg, “The Structure of 2 Corinthians 1-7“, Criswell Theological Review 4.1 (1991) 3-20.
  2. David L. Turner, “Paul and the Ministry of Reconciliation in 2 Cor. 5:11-6:2“, Criswell Theological Review 4.1 (1989) 77-95.
  3. N.T. Wright, “On Becoming the Righteousness of God“.


  1. 哥林多後書6.3–7.4

(W)right here in Toronto

The Refresh! conference will begin on May 9. As I mentioned before, I will attend the evening plenary this coming Wednesday and Thursday nights.

So far, I know that Vincent will attend the full conference, while Jessica, Annie and myself will attend the evening plenary. Anybody else? Let me know so that we can meet somewhere before the meeting and sit together.

Recent purchased…

Enough about Mozart (and other stuff). Here is a list of books I recently purchased (and/or are reading):


No wonder the Herods, the Caesars and the Sadducees of this world, ancient and modern, were and are eager to rule out all possibility of actual resurrection. They are, after all, staking a counter-claim on the real world. It is the real world that the tyrants and bullies (including intellectual and cultural tyrants and bullies) try to rule by force, only to discover that in order to do so they have to quash all rumours of resurrection, rumours that would imply that their greatest weapons, death and deconstruction, are not after all omnipotent. But it is the real world, in Jewish thinking, that the real God made, and still grieves over. It is the real world that, in the earliest stories of Jesus’ resurrection, was decisively and for ever reclaimed by that event, an event which demanded to be understood, not as a bizarre miracle, but as the beginning of the new creation. It is the real world that, however complex this may become, historians are committed to studying. And, however dangerous this may turn out to be, it is the real world in and for which Christians are committed to living and, where necessary, dying. Nothing less is demanded by the God of creation, the God of justice, the God revealed in and as the crucified and risen Jesus of Nazareth.

NT Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God, p.737

1 Cor 10:1-11:1

Feb 19 2006 課堂錄音:


  1. 哥林多前書10:1-11:1筆記(pdf)
  2. 哥林多前書10:1-11:1經文(pdf)


  1. N.T. Wright, One God, One Lord, One People: Incarnational Christology for a Church in a Pagan Environment
  1. 哥林多前書11:2-11:34